No, just no.
At this point I have no choice but to reveal my roles/identity in the town. I am a Precog as a secondary role, and nothing more than a Civilian for my primary. I am in an Alliance with a few members here, one of them being ddevans, whom I Precogged very early in the game and got a notice from kdz about the FGs targetting him right after he made the "one hour left in the day" annoucement; I immediately notified the Alliance's leader (as far as I know) and we were not able to save him. I am not going to reveal who the members are, but they will step up and defend me if they feel that I'm valuable enough to save from Terro's accusations. Whoever you think the Seer is, Terro, you are gravely mistaken about them and they're lying right in your face.
Sorry noobie, your a good friend, but I'm not going to jeapordize the game for you. I was in an alliance with noobie after I suspected him of sending a PM to terro saying he was a doctor. He told me that he was a precog. After ddevans died I happened to get a bit more paranoid, nothing due to noobie though. Realized that noobie actually posted on forum saying that he sent his secondary to terro, which I find stupid. Also, when I asked why he sent it in, I got a very poor response, something about doing it or terro would kill him. Anyway, soon as I had mindgate available, at the beginning of this round, I mindgated him and got vulture, confirming he was lying. Now, I come on to see that the seer confirmed it as well, Noobie, sorry, but your an FG. As to everybody else, he is a vulture, meaning he has 7 votes. We need to beat him by more than that, if somebody has some ability to mind-flayer him or take away vulture, it would be VERY useful here. Also supporting this is that I told noobie that ddevans was a fallen elf, and ddevans died. Just incase you don't know, elf mutates away noobies' vulture.
Also for the record, My alliance WAS, me, noobie, ddevans, and 1 other, whom I obviously won't name.
Noobiecakes (2) - Terroking, Laxadarap
Terroking (1) - Noobiecakes