Ok, after lengthy chat discussions, I'm getting my main points out on the forum.
As we all know, Terro's story contradicts mine, so how would you guys know who to vote for? Well, here's a little help to get you started.
My story is flawless. No one has found a contradiction in it. And do you guys know why? It's true! Come on here. The only semi-decent argument that people have brought up is that they claim it was a questionable move to ally with Terro without having confirmed him. At the time, it looked like a decent move. We needed an experienced player, and Terro was a fantastic choice. Some say it was risky, but there was actually very little risk involved because Terro never learned who the gambler was. While the benefit was that our alliance had a 4th member to help us with voting (only if we needed it) and help us with some of the riskier jobs, such as being gambled with a potential FG.
As for Terro's story, really, I can't say the same. His previous quotes contradict what he has said. Originally, he said he was gambled with Oni. Then later, he says that he actually wasn't gambled, and instead the seer he claims to be allied with had already known Oni was a FG (and kept it silent?) No matter, whose side you believe, you can't deny the fact that Terro lied to us. Also, let's put ourselves in the Seer's shoes for a minute here. Terro claims that the seer already had confirmed a civilian in Round 1 and then found Onizuka to be a FG in Round 3. So then, why wouldn't the Seer have the confirmed civilian announce Oni as a FG? But instead the Seer decides that he has to wait for Terro to enter the picture, and then have Terro instead announce the FG? That's purely a waste of two rounds, and I really don't see the logic in it. So now, Terro has not only lied to us, but his story is more than just questionable; it's pretty sketchy.
Of course, it doesn't stop here. As we found out today, Terro doesn't actually know the mechanics of how the Seer works. Believe it or not, he was surprised to find that the Seer's role could only be used every other round. The quotes are in the chat logs. Go back to them if you want. Now, my question would be, how would someone that has been closely allied with the Seer not even know the mechanics of the Seer? Considering that he thought the Seer worked every round, wouldn't he question the Seer for using his role only 3 times in 5 rounds? This would then cause him to figure out that the Seer instead can use its role only every other round. But this is not what happened. Terro never learned the Seer's mechanics until it was too late for him, and he announced it after when he claimed to have been Seer'ed.
Sorry to be so brutal, Terro, but people with such a large chance at being FGs really need to go down.
Vote how you want, or even don't vote if you aren't confident.
But all the evidence you'll need is here.