1chase1997 - 1 (1chase1997)
Filly678 - 10 (jippy99, Nepycros, calindu221, Jaymanfu, Shantu, Malebolgia, Bonestorm, Iman00b8, Onizuka, EvaRia)
Iman00b8 - 3 (kirchj33, Legit, majofa)
Maze_74d - 1 (Maze_74d)
Nepycros - 1 (RavingRabbid)
patchx94 - 9 (ddevans96, Zblader, 7_Deadly_Sins, 1world24, PlayerOa, TheForbiddenOracle, DrunkDestroyer, Jocko, Filly678)
Shantu - 1 (Terroking)
NO VOTE - 3 (vinvick3714, patchx94, RootRanger)
Failed to Vote: nilsieboy, philipapw
How could we have been so foolish? How could we have been so quick to act on a simple note?
Izaya was now dead by ours hands.
ShinigSword, one of our precious gamblers, murdered in the street in the commotion. The band quickly fortified themselves within the tavern and vowed that nobody would leave until the traitors were found. Each uneasy day passed, nothing happening but paranoia and distrust slowly settling in. Nobody was dying, but we still aren't any closer to finding the killers. The band drifts off into another uneasy sleep, only to be awakened on the moonless night with the inn burning down around them. Scrambling everyone fled the structure chaotically as the flames fully engulfed it. Hours later the last embers were dying out as the dawn broke and the band finally got back together. Only then did they realize that not everyone was present. Desperately searching through the ashes the missing member was found. Remnants of the ropes binding him legs and arms still clung to the charred flesh. He had be bound and burned alive. When the telltale ring with his family crest was found on on what remained of his right ring finger is was all but certain -
Shantu was dead, the second member of the band cruelly murdered.
Fearing for safety, the group began to splinter. One faction, led by
patchx94 argued that prison was better than death and wanted to turn themselves in. The other, led by
Filly678 steadfastly refused to surrender and vowed to go down fighting dead-or-alive. Eventually
patchx94 lost more support until it was agreed that everyone would stick it out. But still fearing for his life
patchx94 tried to sneak out in the night to flee. He didn't get far before it was discovered that he was missing. It didn't take long to track him down, after all his training was as a healer and swindler not as a tracker. By midnight he was caught. By dawn he was resting in a ditch, enjoying an eternal slumber courtesy of his former comrades.
patchx94 (Doctor/Swindler)
Shantu (Comrade/Embezzler)