1chase1997 - 1 (1chase1997)
Izaya - 7 (jippy99, DrunkDestroyer, ShiningSword, Legit, RootRanger, 1world24, Jocko)
jippy99 - 8 (calindu221, Shantu, Bonestorm, Onizuka, 7_Deadly_Sins, majofa, PlayerOa, Zblader)
Onizuka - 4 (kirchj33, RavingRabbid, vinvick3714, TheForbiddenOracle)
patchx94 - 1 (Izaya)
NO VOTE - 7 (Terroking, Iman00b8, Filly678, ddevans96, Maze_74d, philipapw, Jaymanfu)
Failed to Vote: EvaRia, Malebolgia, Nepycros, nilsieboy, patchx94
Unrest settled in amongst the band of thieves, nobody knowing which comrades to trust and which were simply waiting for the right time to slide a knife into their back. Quarrels broke out, each thief quick to accuse another in an attempt to save their own skin. Soon these escalated into violence, with nobody escaping without a fresh scar or three from the encounters. Just when it appeared nothing short of a mass brawl could solve this a new development arose. One morning each person found slipped under the door to their rooms a note stating that everyone who was innocent would be get that note and by this method the guilty would be found. Quick to seize upon this opportunity, everyone came together and compared note but everyone present had a note. Dismay quickly settled in when suddenly a voice shouted out "Where is
Izaya?!?" Everyone rushed quickly to his room and broke down the door.
Izaya jumped out of his bed but was quickly grabbed and pinned to the wall. A quick search of the room revealed there was no note. His fate was sealed. "Honor amongst thieves, comrade" were the final words he heard before the cold blade slid home between his ribs. As his final breath left his body, a cheer arose. Finally the traitor had been eliminated! His possessions were ransacked and his body left in a heap as everyone headed to the streets. On the way out the door they almost tripped over a boy rushing in.
"What's the rush son? Come celebrate with us!" proclaimed the thieves.
"I'm sorry sir but I must deliver this letter to
Izaya immediately! I was supposed to give it to him hours ago but I fell asleep." exclaimed the boy.
Izaya is a dirty traitor and he doesn't need that anymore so give it here, maybe we can use it to out his allies!" shouted the mob, snatching the letter from the child.
Opening it quickly and excitedly the thieves anxiously scanned the letter looking for clues. Instead the color drained from their faces as they saw the same letter each of them had been given. They had killed the wrong man.
"Sir," said the boy "I have another letter to deliver as well." handing it to the mob.
Opening it they found a bounty letter for
"Who gave this to you?!!" shouted
ShiningSword, "Speak quickly!."
The boys mouth opened but no sound came out other than a strangled gurgle. Collapsing to his knees, the spit out a mouthful of blood and collapsed onto his face. Protruding from his back was a black arrow. Everyone quickly dove for cover but it was already too late. In this town finding experts at their craft was easy and this bounty hunter was an expert. The next arrow sliced through the air, catching the diving
ShiningSword right through the neck as he landed behind a crate. He watched the blood pool around him, his body refusing to move, his vision slowly dimming. His comrade next to him looked down at the crumpled form.
ShiningSword saw him, and the man smiled down at him. The last thing
ShiningSword knew of this world was the sound of the man chuckling and his evil smile as he sarcastically whispered, "Two down, comrade".
Izaya (Comrade/Ghost)
ShiningSword (Comrade/Gambler)
EDIT: 1+1+1+1 does not equal 1 lol