jippy99 - 7 (calindu221, Shantu, Bonestorm, Onizuka, 7_Deadly_Sins, majofa, PlayerOa)
patchx94 - 1 (Izaya)
Onizuka - 5 (kirchj33, RavingRabbid, vinvick3714, TheForbiddenOracle, Zblader)
Izaya - 7 (jippy99, DrunkDestroyer, ShiningSword, Legit, RootRanger,1world24, Jocko)
1chase1997 - 1 (1chase1997)
I don't like this unfundamented accusations, but im voting anyways for the most suspicious one.
Fixed. Thanks TFO, i don't know why i added 1 two times there. I guess i forgot about adding it the first time.