I'm a little confused as to why people are voting for me but whatever. I've just been following other peoples logic...
Therfore: i have decided to not vote today. If I am a mafia member, nobody gains anything by me not voting (aside from abilities). If I am killed and am a mafia member (which I am not), the village benefits. If I don't vote as a village member, nothing is lost as it is increasingly clear to me that the village is failing to find any mafia members for me to vote for.
I have tried to find mafia members the best that I can (which is evident through the forums).
EvaRia - 2 (Nepycros, RootRanger)
phillipapw - 2 (Malebolgia,7_Deadly_Sins)
jippy99 - 2 (Terroking, maze_74d)
Onizuka - 2 (1chase1997, jippy99)
Terroking - 2 (calindu221,1world24)
kirchj33 - 2 (kirchj33, Iman00b8)
1chase1997 - 4 (Zblader, PlayerOa, Jaymanfu, Jocko)
no vote - 1 (philipapw)