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Elements Mafia 22 - Hosted by TStar https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=30166.msg383368#msg383368
« on: August 22, 2011, 03:59:30 am »
It's finally here! Don't post until the host does.

Offline TStar

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Re: Elements Mafia 22 - Hosted by TStar https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=30166.msg383369#msg383369
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2011, 03:59:56 am »
Elements Mafia 22

Den  of  Thieves
Trust nobody in this town
For they will shake with one hand
And stab your back with the other
Welcome to Shadowdell, a seedy little town nestled between the Ironloch Mountains and the Crystalmoor Swamp.  This filthy town is the kind of place where thieves, bandits, thugs, outlaws, mercenaries, and just about every other unsavory type imaginable can be found.  It is a lawless town ruled by the golden rule, namely whomever has the gold makes the rules.  You are part of a group who just managed to rob the gem shipment from the Ironloch Mines.  Your ragtag group was holed up in this place waiting for your fence to show up to pawn off the gems.  Unfortunately he was found dead outside of town, and it was definitely not an accident.  It's become quite clear that there is a group within the thieves intent of increasing their profits by eliminating some of the shares so to speak.  Find out who all is killing everyone or you may find yourself not waking up the next morning.

The main rule is for everyone to have fun.  Your goal is to either find the Traitors, or kill your Comrades depending on which role you are assigned.  Round will last for 2 days and will end at midnight GMT unless otherwise specified.  Rounds may end late but will never end early.  A countdown timer will always be posted for each round.  There are two parts to a round: the Day Phase and the Night Phase.  The Day Phase lasts the entirety of the round.  The Night Phase is instant and consists of the host declaring who was lynched and who was killed, along with any other events that need mentioning.  During the day phase, players vote on who will be lynched that round.  There will always be someone chosen for lynching.  Ties will be broken by first by the player who roles plays best, and secondly by RNG.  Also, if a player has a special ability that requires them to PM the host in order to use it, they do this during the day phase.

Players are free to PM whoever they want.  However, quoting another player's PM is not allowed (unless you are sending it to the Host), nor can you ask another player about what the host PM'd them (you can ask them what their identity is, but nothing about the PM sent to them).  Also, when you are killed in the game you may no longer PM or post in the thread.  PLEASE MAKE NOTE THAT THIS MEANS "GOODBYE" POSTS AND SUCH ARE FORBIDDEN!  Any player in violation of the rules will be mod-killed.  Also, any player inactive for two rounds in a row will be mod-killed.  I will do this and I don't really need help so don't point it out.  Metagaming is strictly forbidden so talking about players getting mod-killed or any other such things that would not be known "in-game" should be avoided.

Each player has a primary role and a secondary role.  Both roles are only known to you at the start of the game (except for the Traitors, who know each other's primary roles but not secondary roles).  Primary and Secondary skills occur in "real time" meaning that whichever order they are PM'd to me is the order in which they occur.  Traitor targets must be PM'd at least 12 hours prior to the end of the round or they will not be accepted.

Voting is done by posting the players name and then the vote count and your name after in the order players voted for those people.  Players are allowed to skip their vote and it will not count against them.  To skip your vote, simply PM the host with the message "No Vote".  This will allow you to skip voting without having it count as inactive for the round.  Simply not posting a vote without the PM will be counted as inactivity.  PLAYERS WHO ARE DEEMED INACTIVE FOR TWO (2) ROUNDS WILL BE MOD-KILLED!  These are not two rounds in a row, but any two rounds period over the course of the entire event.  So if you miss Day 1 and Day 6 you will be mod-killed, no excuses.
zanzarino - 1 (TStar)
Role playing is strongly encouraged.  While not a requirement I hope everyone can get into the spirit and try to at least make an attempt to play within the theme.  It'll be more fun if everyone does.

Every Round (ER)
Every Other Round (EOR)
One-Time Use (OTU)

Primary Roles: The game has four primary roles.
Comrade - One of the band of thieves who robbed the caravan.  This role has no special ability, you simply get to vote.

Traitor - These people have never heard the saying "honor among thieves".  They are greedy, ruthless, and evil and will kill everyone just to get a few extra coins.  At the start of the game all the Traitors receive PMs that inform them of all the other Traitors.  Each round they agree upon who to target an PM this to the Host.  Their target will be killed during the round's Night Phase.

Psychic (EOR) - Target a player.  The Host will PM you what that player's primary and secondary abilities are.

Doctor (EOR) -  Target a player.  If that player is targeted by the Traitors, that player does not die.  If that player is assassinated, they will live for one more round.
Secondary Roles: The game has (x number of) secondary roles. These are randomly distributed between each player at the start of the game.  To target a player with an ability, PM the Host with the abilty and player.
Assassin (OTU) - Target a player.  You die instantly.  Target player is PM'd that they are assassnated and that they will die at the end of the round.  If targeted by the Doctor, target player will live for one more round.

Con Artist (EOR) - Target a player and a voting target.  That player's vote is switched to the voting target. Not permanent.

Copycat (OTU) - Target a player.  Permanently gain the ability of target player.  They are not contacted.

Embezzler (OTU) -  Can store your vote each round.  Each round your vote is stored your vote counts as 0.  Activate the ability to use all your stored votes on a single target.  Once used votes cannot be stored again.  This ability is not restored when Swindled or Copycated.

Escape Artist (OTU) - Automatically saved from death once per game.  This ability is not restored even if Swindled or Copycated.

Forger (ER) - Target a player.  That player permanently gains a random ability.

Gambler (EOR) - Target 2 players.  One player's role is revealed to the other at random.  The Gambler does not get this information.

Ghost (ER) - When killed can still vote for the remainder of the game.  This is done by sending a PM to the Host, do not post in the thread!

Informant (EOR) - Target a player.  If the target player is ever targeted by the Traitors, then the Informant is told.  Permanent.

Master Of Disguise (ER) - At the start of each round the Host will will PM the player with a random ability that they can use for that round.

Mastermind (ER) - Vote power starts at 0 and increases by 0.5 votes each time a person dies.

Patsy (ER) - Can sacrifice self to save another person from death.  Target a player and if that player is targeted by the Traitors you will die instead.  Once activated this ability cannot be turned off, although you can change your target.  If the Patsy saves a player and is targeted by the Doctor, both the Patsy's target and the Patsy will survive.

Swindler (OTU) - Target a player.  Gain ability of that target player.  Target player's ability is now Swindler.

Sniper (EOR) - Target players vote cannot be altered, not even if they change their own vote.  Any changes that occur before Sniper is targeted on the player will still occur.  If the player has not voted yet then whomever they vote for first will be the locked vote.

Thug - (EOR) - Target a player.  That player's ability is unusuable for the remainder of the round.

25 Comrades
6 Traitors
1 Psychic
1 Doctor

2 Assassins
3 Con Artists
2 Copycats
2 Embezzlers
2 Escape Artists
3 Forgers
2 Gamblers
1 Ghost
2 Informants
2 Masters of Disguise
2 Masterminds
2 Patsies
3 Swindlers
2 Snipers
3 Thugs
Carpe Diem!!

Offline TStar

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Re: Elements Mafia 22 - Hosted by TStar https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=30166.msg383370#msg383370
« Reply #2 on: August 22, 2011, 04:00:35 am »
Mafia 22 Ends In

Mafia 22 is Complete
Day 1
Lynch: Izaya (Comrade/Ghost)
Traitors: ShiningSword (Comrade/Gambler)
1chase1997 - 1 (1chase1997)
Izaya - 7 (jippy99, DrunkDestroyer, ShiningSword, Legit, RootRanger, 1world24, Jocko)
jippy99 - 8 (calindu221, Shantu, Bonestorm, Onizuka, 7_Deadly_Sins, majofa, PlayerOa, Zblader)
Onizuka - 4 (kirchj33, RavingRabbid, vinvick3714, TheForbiddenOracle)
patchx94 - 1 (Izaya)
NO VOTE - 7 (Terroking, Iman00b8, Filly678, ddevans96, Maze_74d, philipapw, Jaymanfu)

Failed to Vote: EvaRia, Malebolgia, Nepycros, nilsieboy, patchx94
Day 2
Lynch: patchx94 (Doctor/Swindler)
Traitors: Shantu (Comrade/Embezzler)
1chase1997 - 1 (1chase1997)
Filly678 - 10 (jippy99, Nepycros, calindu221, Jaymanfu, Shantu, Malebolgia, Bonestorm, Iman00b8, Onizuka, EvaRia)
Iman00b8 - 3 (kirchj33, Legit, majofa)
Maze_74d - 1 (Maze_74d)
Nepycros - 1 (RavingRabbid)
patchx94 - 9 (ddevans96, Zblader, 7_Deadly_Sins, 1world24, PlayerOa, TheForbiddenOracle, DrunkDestroyer, Jocko, Filly678)
Shantu - 1 (Terroking)
NO VOTE - 3 (vinvick3714, patchx94, RootRanger)

Failed to Vote: nilsieboy, philipapw
Day 3
Lynch: Filly678 (Comrade/Sniper)
Traitors: vinvick3714 (Comrade/Thug)
ddevans96 - 1 (ddevans96)
Filly678 - 27 (Malebolgia, Terroking, Maze_74D, TheForbiddenOracle, RootRanger, 7_Deadly_Sins, Legit, Onizuka, Nepycros, Jaymanfu, RavingRabbid, jippy99, calindu221, PlayerOa, 1chase1997, kirchj33, philipapw, Jocko, majofa, Filly678, Bonestorm, Iman00b8, DrunkDestroyer, vinvick3714, Zblader, 1world24, nilsieboy)

Failed to Vote: EvaRia
Day 4
Lynch: ddevans96 (Comrade/Swindler)
Traitors: Legit (Comrade/Swindler)
Mod-kill: nilsieboy (Comrade/Patsy)
ddevans96 - 8 (Zblader, EvaRia, Terroking, Onizuka, 1chase1997, calindu221, Jocko, TheForbiddenOracle)
EvaRia - 4 (Nepycros, DrunkDestroyer, RavingRabbid, PlayerOa)
jippy99 - 5 (Maze_74d, ddevans96, philipapw, Bonestorm, majofa)
Malebolgia - 1 (Malebolgia)
philipapw - 1 (Jaymanfu)
Terroking - 2 (1world24, jippy99)
TheForbiddenOracle - 2 (Legit, RootRanger)
NO VOTE - 1 (Iman00b8)

Failed to Vote: 7_Deadly_Sins, kirchj33, nilsieboy

Mod-kill: nilsieboy
Day 5
Lynch: Onizuka (Traitor/Informant)
Traitors: Jaymanfu (Comrade/Swindler)
Mod-kill: EvaRia (Comrade/Mastermind)
1chase1997 - 1 (Zblader)
kirchj33 - 2 (kirchj33, Iman00b8)
Onizuka - 14 (1chase1997, jippy99, RavingRabbid, Jaymanfu, calindu221, PlayerOa, majofa, Jocko, TheForbiddenOracle, DrunkDestroyer, RootRanger, Nepycros, Terroking, Maze_74d)
philipapw - 2 (Malebolgia, 7_Deadly_Sins)
Terroking - 1 (1world24)
NO VOTE - 1 (philipapw)

Failed to Vote: Bonestorm, Onizuka

Mod-kill: EvaRia
Day 6
Lynch: TheForbiddenOracle (Escape Artist)
Traitors: jippy99 (Comrade/Con Artist)
1chase1997 - 4 (PlayerOa, calindu221, 1world24, Malebolgia)
Iman00b8 - 2 (majofa, kirchj33)
TheForbiddenOracle - 12 (Terroking, jippy99, Jocko, RootRanger, Iman00b8, philipapw, 7_Deadly_Sins, DrunkDestroyer, Maze_74d, 1chase1997, Bonestorm, RavingRabbid)

Failed to Vote: Nepycros, TheForbiddenOracle, Zblader
Day 7
Lynch: TheForbiddenOracle (Comrade/Escape Artist) [used]
Traitors: RavingRabbid (Psychic/Master of Disguise)
Mod-kill: Bonestorm (Comrade/Sniper)
Mod-kill: RootRanger (Traitor/Assassin)
TheForbiddenOracle - 14 (Terroking, kirchj33, maze_74d, RootRanger, philipapw, Nepycros, Jocko, majofa, DrunkDestroyer, 1chase1997,7_Deadly_Sins, RavingRabbid, calindu221, PlayerOa)
Terroking - 2 (1world24, TheForbiddenOracle)
Zblader - 1 (Zblader)
Iman00b8 - 1 (Iman00b8)

Failed to Vote: Bonestorm, Malebolgia

Mod Kill: Bonestorm, RootRanger
Day 8
Lynch: Terroking (Comrade/Swindler)
Traitors: 1world24 (Comrade/Thug)
Jocko - 2 (Iman00b8, Malebolgia)
Maze_74d - 1 (Maze_74d)
philipapw - 4 (kirchj33, 1chase1997, 1world24, Terroking)
Terroking - 8 (calindu221, philipapw, Jocko, PlayerOa, Zblader, majofa, 7_Deadly_Sins, Nepycros)

Failed to Vote: DrunkDestroyer
Day 9
Lynch: Zblader (Comrade/Informant)
Traitors: 1chase1997 (Comrade/Mastermind)
Mod-kill: Nepycros (Comrade/Forger)
Iman00b8 - (Iman00b8)
Jocko - 8 (Zblader, 7_Deadly_Sins, Malebolgia, philipapw, majofa, 1chase1997, maze_74d, PlayerOa)
Zblader - 4 (DrunkDestroyer, calindu221, kirchj33, Jocko)

Failed to Vote: Nepycros

Mod-Kill: Nepycros
Day 10
Lynch: Jocko (Traitor/Embezzler)
Traitors: kirchj33 (Comrade/Gambler)
7_Deadly_Sins - 1 (calindu221)
Iman00b8 - 1 (Iman00b8)
Jocko - 7 (PlayerOa, DrunkDestroyer, majofa, philipapw, kirchj33, 7_Deadly_Sins, Malebolgia)
philipapw - 1 (Jocko)

Failed to Vote: Maze_74d
Day 11
Lynch: Iman00b8 (Escape Artist)
Traitors: NONE
Mod-kill: Maze_74d (Comrade/Thug)
7_Deadly_Sins - 1 (calindu221)
Iman00b8 - 6 (Malebolgia, majofa, DrunkDestroyer, 7_Deadly_Sins, PlayerOa, philipapw)
philipapw - 1 (Iman00b8)

Failed to Vote: Maze_74d

Mod-Kill: Maze_74d
Day 12
Lynch: Iman00b8 (Comrade/Escape Artist) [used]
Traitors: philipapw (Comrade/Con Artist)
7_Deadly_Sins - 1 (calindu221)
Iman00b8 - 7 (Malebolgia, majofa, philipapw, PlayerOa, 7_Deadly_Sins, DrunkDestroyer, Iman00b8)
Day 13
Lynch: Malebolgia (Comrade/Sniper)
Assassin Death: calindu221 (Comrade/Assassin)
Assassin Target: 7_Deadly_Sins (Comrade/Vulture)
Traitors: NONE (calindu221 was chosen)
Mod-kill: DrunkDestroyer (Traitor/Con Artist)
Malebolgia - 5 (majofa, calindu221, 7_Deadly_Sins, PlayerOa, Malebolgia)

Failed to Vote: DrunkDestroyer

Mod-Kill: DrunkDestroyer
Carpe Diem!!

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Re: Elements Mafia 22 - Hosted by TStar https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=30166.msg383372#msg383372
« Reply #3 on: August 22, 2011, 04:05:04 am »

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Re: Elements Mafia 22 - Hosted by TStar https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=30166.msg383378#msg383378
« Reply #4 on: August 22, 2011, 04:31:03 am »
Perception is the source of misunderstanding.

Why, yes. I do have a Mindgate necklace. It's how I ninja everyone.

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Re: Elements Mafia 22 - Hosted by TStar https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=30166.msg383381#msg383381
« Reply #5 on: August 22, 2011, 04:37:47 am »

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Re: Elements Mafia 22 - Hosted by TStar https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=30166.msg383383#msg383383
« Reply #6 on: August 22, 2011, 04:47:21 am »
Count me in.
You're just as selfish as I am. You're just not as good at it yet.

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Re: Elements Mafia 22 - Hosted by TStar https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=30166.msg383392#msg383392
« Reply #7 on: August 22, 2011, 05:52:29 am »

Re: Elements Mafia 22 - Hosted by TStar https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=30166.msg383393#msg383393
« Reply #8 on: August 22, 2011, 05:57:53 am »
Givin' it another shot.

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Re: Elements Mafia 22 - Hosted by TStar https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=30166.msg383394#msg383394
« Reply #9 on: August 22, 2011, 05:59:07 am »
In, I hope i will don't fail.
You know, a long time ago being crazy meant something. Nowadays everybody's crazy.

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Re: Elements Mafia 22 - Hosted by TStar https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=30166.msg383411#msg383411
« Reply #10 on: August 22, 2011, 08:02:06 am »
In! I hope this will be good.

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Re: Elements Mafia 22 - Hosted by TStar https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=30166.msg383414#msg383414
« Reply #11 on: August 22, 2011, 08:17:42 am »
In!  :)


blarg: 1chase1997,1world24,7_Deadly_Sins,Bonestorm,calindu221,ddevans96,DrunkDestroyer,EvaRia,Filly678,Iman00b8,Izaya,Jaymanfu,jippy99,Jocko,kirchj33,Legit,majofa,Malebolgia,Maze_74d,Nepycros,nilsieboy,Onizuka,patchx94,philipapw,PlayerOa,RavingRabbid,RootRanger,Shantu,ShiningSword,Terroking,TheForbiddenOracle,vinvick3714,Zblader