10 players remain, 3 of which are false gods.. I don't see much chance for survival. My best idea right now, is to look at the end of the day 2 voting, and lynch the suspects.
Jaymanfu - 8 (Legit, Malebolgia, RootRanger, 7_Deadly_Sins, ShiningSword, calindu221, Wardead, Godsped)
Malebolgia - 2 (EvaRia, Korugar)
SpikeSpiegel - 10 (RavingRabbid, Jaymanfu, jippy99, Seraph, ddevans96, TheForbiddenOracle, TStar, Shantu, QuantumT, vinvick3714)
RavingRabbid - 1 (SpikeSpiegel)
Zerg King - 2 (1world24, blazken)
1World24- 1 (Zerg King)
918273645 - 1 (918273645)
Didn't vote: 1chase1997, Nepycros, nilsieboy, Svenningen
Highlighted with green are those that voted for Jaymanfu (and thus wanted to save Spike) and are still alive.
This means..
1world24 - 1 (Malebolgia)
Malebolgia - 1 (Shantu)