I told both of you the lynch the other if anything happened to me because you were the only ones who knew. Your reasoning does make a point, so I don't think it was you. That leaves Zerg and Korugar. Now if Zerg was an FG, there would be no reason for him to just give up his gambler even if it meant saving himself. I also don't see why he would want it back, seeing that he was already known as one. Unless, he is an FG and there plan was to save him and keep the gambler, which actually makes the most sense.
Nepycros - 1 (RootRanger)
Jaymanfu - 3 (calindu221, ddevans96, Legit)
ZergKing - 4 (Nepycros, Godsped, TStar, jippy99)
Legit - 14 (Shantu, Jaymanfu, ZergKing, Seraph, 1world24, ShiningSword, TheForbiddenOracle, Wardead, 918273645, 7_Deadly_Sins, Malebolgia,QuantumT, blazken, vinvick3714)
TStar - 1 (korugar)