im just hurt that people would vote for me.......
i'm not even a fg and becuase im bein voted out i will declare that im a civi gambler.....
So in order to try and save yourself you don't use chat or PMs but you just announce to the entire town that you are a valuable gambler? How do you think you will survive from those murderers now? You are one of the citizens they have been desperately trying to kill and you just made it easy for them. Even if we don't kill you, I'm fairly certain they will. I'm not sure if you are just incredibly reckless or just a liar or even one of the murderous thugs saying that to try and save yourself. Not matter which one I for one will feel safer with you out of the picture because your judgement is you really are a gambler is severely lacking.
Also, will the tradesman please take that from him ASAP in the event he is being truthful. Even if by some miracle he survives I for one will feel much safer if the gambler remains unknown to the murders.

Nepycros - 2 (Korugar, RootRanger)
Jaymanfu - 6 (Malebolgia, calindu221, 918273645, TheForbiddenOracle, 7_Deadly_Sins, ddevans96)
ZergKing - 3 (Nepycros, Godsped, TStar)
Legit - 7 (Shantu, jippy99, Jaymanfu, ZergKing, Seraph, 1world24, ShiningSword)
I may change my vote still but for now I can't think of anyone else who is more dangerous to us citizens than this guy and his terrible judgement. I for one would certainly never trust him enough to not do something stupid, and that's just never going to work for a potential ally.
EDIT: Added a very necessary spoiler