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Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg342654#msg342654
« Reply #204 on: May 29, 2011, 03:33:25 pm »
TStar - 1 (Shantu)
ShiningSword - 2 (RootRanger, patchx94)

Offline TStar

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Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg342655#msg342655
« Reply #205 on: May 29, 2011, 03:39:07 pm »
Quote from: Shantu link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg366599#msg366599 date=1306680362
TStar - 1 (Shantu)

For leading us into killing an elf. I suppose he can't have known, but changing the bandwagon onto someone else leaves a bad taste in my mouth.. I feel like he tried to save SS.
It was not my intention to start any type of bandwagon and I believe I made it very clear I was not asking anyone to vote as I did or agree with my reasons.  Had I not been asked to explain my reasoning I never would have posted them in the first place.  Had he offered some type of defense on his behalf maybe he would still be alive.  I have no allegiance with ShiningSword neither was I attempting to save him nor target an alien for any reason aside from the ones I listed.  If you wish to punish me because I was asked asked for my reasons and then many others decided to agree with them, and the elf decided to offer no defense on his own behalf then I will accept my fate.  I have no allies and no proof that I am indeed one of you and not one of the dreaded False Gods which have been terrorizing us.  Unfortunately the only person who could confirm my identity via being gambled was brutally murdered on the first day.  If it will help the town sleep better at night and bring us closer to finding these evil monsters then I will gladly sacrifice myself to help save the town.  If you are simply trying to kill me out of spite or revenge then I ask that you reconsider.

My vote will go towards a townsperson who was inactive during the last day.  We are under siege from an evil scourge that is intent on wiping us out one by one, and I find it worrisome that neither our comrade Seraph nor 918273645 chose to cast a ballot during such a troubled time on such an important issue.  I will be casting my vote for one of these players this round as they are both in danger of being exiled from the town anyways and I would rather hang someone who could be exiled than chose somebody I do not have an evidence against or reason to be suspicious of.  I deeply regret not thinking about this yesterday when I could have voted for tdog0001, who was exiled and rumor says tracked down and killed not far outside of town.  This is a mistake I will not repeat today.

918273645 - 1 (TStar)
TStar - 1 (Shantu)
ShiningSword - 2 (RootRanger, patchx94)

I decided to select 918273645 since he volunteered to be lynched on the first day and is in danger of being exiled already.
Carpe Diem!!

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Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg342663#msg342663
« Reply #206 on: May 29, 2011, 04:14:16 pm »
I know for a fact that numbers is away now.  Because we have no other strong leads, I am choosing to save my vote for now.
Think you got what it takes?  Test out your skills in some Tournaments! http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/board,77.0.html


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Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg342670#msg342670
« Reply #207 on: May 29, 2011, 04:29:14 pm »
Quote from: TStar link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg366614#msg366614 date=1306683547
*long speech*
Now thats a lot of Role Playing(usually posts dont have this much role playing).

Quote from: jippy99 link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg366621#msg366621 date=1306685656
I know for a fact that numbers is away now.  Because we have no other strong leads, I am choosing to save my vote for now.
This sounds like a nice idea for me. It shouldnt be so hard to get a lead right now, with the seer/gamblers working and this shrieker thing going on, but i cant do anything about it(my chimera rolls arent giving me anything good), so might as well wait for the people who can.

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Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg343021#msg343021
« Reply #208 on: May 30, 2011, 04:20:52 am »
If someone targets a burrowed shrieker, what response does the targeter get?
You're just as selfish as I am. You're just not as good at it yet.

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Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg343062#msg343062
« Reply #209 on: May 30, 2011, 06:02:20 am »
918273645 - 2 (TStar, majofa)
TStar - 1 (Shantu)
ShiningSword - 2 (RootRanger, patchx94)

Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg343065#msg343065
« Reply #210 on: May 30, 2011, 06:07:57 am »
TStar seems innocent enough, although he seems to be trying pretty hard to be staying in the game.
Worth noting, although I think this is his first mafia.

Anyway, I personally think people like TStar are great assets, considering he voices logical opinions and explains exactly why he's voting for someone. I personally tend to trust people who do this a whole lot more than people who shroud their votes in mystery - always seems much more suspicious to me.

Meaning that I personally wouldnt be voting for him, since he is doing exactly what everyone else is doing, just with reasoning.
Of course, if he is a False God, that makes him much more dangerous than a silent voter.

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Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg343136#msg343136
« Reply #211 on: May 30, 2011, 11:48:46 am »
918273645 - 3 (TStar, majofa, TheForbiddenOracle)
TStar - 1 (Shantu)
ShiningSword - 2 (RootRanger, patchx94)

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Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg343157#msg343157
« Reply #212 on: May 30, 2011, 12:53:53 pm »
918273645 - 4 (TStar, majofa, TheForbiddenOracle, Korugar)
TStar - 1 (Shantu)
ShiningSword - 2 (RootRanger, patchx94)

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Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg343192#msg343192
« Reply #213 on: May 30, 2011, 02:28:13 pm »
(Also, I forgot to say that in reality modkills happen before lynching.)
There are things worse than eating tuna directly from the tin

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Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg343195#msg343195
« Reply #214 on: May 30, 2011, 02:37:23 pm »
918273645 - 4 (TStar, majofa, TheForbiddenOracle, Korugar)
TStar - 1 (Shantu)
ShiningSword - 3 (RootRanger, patchx94, Seraph)

Band Wagon for inactivity? waste of a vote

Offline TStar

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Re: Elements Mafia 20 - Hosted by RavingRabbid https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg343214#msg343214
« Reply #215 on: May 30, 2011, 03:10:00 pm »
Quote from: RavingRabbid link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26590.msg367156#msg367156 date=1306765693
(Also, I forgot to say that in reality modkills happen before lynching.)
918273645 - 3 (majofa, TheForbiddenOracle, Korugar)
TStar - 1 (Shantu)
ShiningSword - 3 (RootRanger, patchx94, Seraph)

In that case I retract my vote since we exile non-contributors to the community before we choose a target to lynch, and if 918273645 is not exiled today I have no good reason to suspect him of being the enemy.  My vote for him was simply a "safety" vote to buy more time.  I will withhold my vote then until I have a stronger reason to suspect someone.
Carpe Diem!!

