This is a lot of random confusion.
If Tstar is a civy, those who framed him will die, even if i have to kill myself to make it so. If Tstar is not a civilian, you nasty people who killed TII (and turned him into an extremely annoying dead guy) just becuse he got an FG dead wont get to put a
hand on Root(understood?).
QuantumT - 2 (Demagog, tdog0001)
Terroking - 6 (Nepycros, RootRanger, Legit, nilsieboy, Shantu, Wardead)
Demagog - 3 (Shiningsword, Seraph, TStar)
TStar - 10 (Korugar, Majofa, Gavsword, Genuinous, QuantumT, Terroking, jippy99, ddevans96, shiningsword, tdog0001)
The part I don't understand is why 1world hasn't posted the results of this round yet.
And, gavs, just because you try to save me doesn't make you innocent, because if you were a FG, then you would be very likely to do just that. And anyway, saving me from a night kill is the real issue.
If I do manage to survive then I'll say you're innocent (You and QT both)
And, to TStar, there are multiple gamblers. I used mine on QT and someone else, didn't save a copy in my outbox. He said he got the info but not what it was.
Btw, I am the Seer. Any gamblers out there can try to confirm that.Alright. I shouldn't say this, but I am.
I'm part of an alliance. TStar was in this alliance, but he quit before TII was killed. He had told us he was a con artist. If he really is one, he'll save himself and Terro will most likely die. Which is why I'm not changing my vote - because that single piece of information could be a breakthrough.
As for me, I highly suggest both of the doctors PM me tonight. Because I would prefer the armagio - who's in our alliance - stays alive.
TStar is a Fallen Elf, fyi. I knew that before I even got world's info.
Btw, be attacked and survive this night and i will believe you a little. Seer me and i will believe you more.
And ddevans, post that armagio's name here, no doctor will tell you they are a doctor.