QuantumT - 7 (Demagog, ddevans96, Gavsword, Genuinous, Terroking, tdog0001, TStar)
Terroking - 7 (Nepycros, Majofa, RootRanger, Legit, nilsieboy, Shantu, jippy99)
Demagog - 3 (Korugar, Shiningsword,QuantumT)
I noticed something fishy. In rounds 1 and 2, nepy voted for QT. As we know, nepy is FG/Ghost. QT is being accused of being an FG, so nepy voting for him twice doesn't make sense. Also, the round that people started to bandwagon on him, nepy votes for someone else. So, I think that nepy is trying to bait us into lynching an innocent civvy. I then voted for the next highest in votes, terro.