Game is over. Civilians win. The game was very, very close. Had the RNG, which favored the FG's heavily the entire game, chosen to kill Wardead instead of patchx, the FG's would have won. There were multiple gamble attempts on FG's, and I think only one of them went in the civilian's favor. The reason the FG's lost was not using a night-kill one round, not infiltrating the civilian alliance (to my knowledge, anyway), and not killing the seer/doctor early on.
The FG's are the actual winners. By not voting in the 15th round, Wardead self voted, making the votes 2 for patchx and 4 for Wardead.
Here is a direct copy of everything I have in my text document. I stopped editing at the very end when things got very simple.
1 majofa - shrieker > tradesman > gambler
2 Jaymanfu - liar
3 Korugar - tradesman > con artist
4 ddevans96 - village idiot
5 Nepycros - vulture
6 Shining Sword - ghost > tradesman > supreme being
7 Shantu - supreme being
8 icecoldbro - priest > tradesman > tradesman
9 TheIdioticIdiot - ghost > priest > vigilante/virus
10 Zack1234567890 - vigilante/virus
11 $$$man - gambler > tradesman > con artist
12 Wardead - detective/tradesman > con artist
13 gavsword - supreme being > tradesman > con artist > tradesman > priest
14 vinvick3714 - nurse/witness
15 QuantumT - mafia/supreme being > tradesman > gambler > con artist > tradesman > gambler > tradesman > supreme being
16 1word24 - witness
17 Legit - fallen elf
18 TheForbiddenOracle - gambler >tradesman > shrieker
19 Root Ranger - liar > priest
20 killsdazombies - fallen elf > Gambler > tradesman > con artist > tradesman > priest > tradesman > tradesman
21 Sodomir - fallen elf
22 Terroking - mafia/con artist > tradesman > ghost > supreme being
23 DrunkDestroyer - liar > tradesman > gambler
24 RavingRabbid - shrieker
25 nilsieboy - vigilante/virus
26 Dragoon1140 - mafia/tradesman > fallen elf
27 patchx94 - mafia/fallen elf > tradesman > liar > tradesman > con artist
28 Flying Fahrenheit - mafia/con artist > tradesman > con artist > tradesman
29 Seraph - mafia/con artist > tradesman
30 Zblader - armagio
31 blazken - armagio
6 mafia
1 detective
1 nurse
Liar - 3
Gambler - 2
Village Idiot - 1
Priest -1
Con Artist - 3
Vigilante/Virus - 2
Witness - 2
Supreme Being - 3
Tradesman - 3
Ghost - 1
Fallen Elf - 4
Immortal - 1
Vulture - 1
Armagio - 2
Shrieker - 2
Round 1
Wardead seers Nepycros
TheForbiddenOracle gambles himself and TheIdioticIdiot - reveals TII
1world24 witnesses Terroking
Icecoldbro priests Legit
Killsdazombies mutates himself - Gambler
Terroking changes ShiningSword’s vote to TheIdioticIdiot
Korugar trades Terroking
Flying Fahrenheit changes 1world24’s vote to TheIdioticIdiot
Blazken activates armagio for FG kill.
Gavsword supreme beings Shantu
Shantu supreme being’s TheIdioticIdiot
Mafia targets $$$man, backup Korugar
TheIdioticIdiot - 14 (Zblader, majofa, Terroking, icecoldbro, Shantu, Flying Fahrenheit, QuantumT, Dragoon1140, Korugar, gavsword, killsdazombies, Wardead, Seraph, vinvick3714)
Terroking - 13 (shiningsword, 1world24, Nepycros, jaymanfu, DrunkDestroyer, TheForbiddenOracle, Zack1234567890, $$$man, Nilsieboy, Sodomir, blazken, Legit, RootRanger)
$$$man - 2 (TheIdioticIdiot, patchx94)
Dragoon1140 - 1 (RavingRabbid)
Deaths: blazken
Round 2
Terroking trades ShiningSword
Mafia targets TheIdioticIdiot - backup Korugar then Legit
Patchx94 mutates Terroking - Supreme being
QuantumT supreme being’s $$$man
ShiningSword trades QuantumT
1world24 witnesses TII, backup Nepycross
Zblader armagios FG target.
Vinvick doctors zblader, bacup $$$man
$$$man gambes RootRanger and patchx94 - reveals RootRanger
RootRanger - 2 (Rootranger)
Nepycros - 6 (Legit, TheForbiddenOracle, Dragoon1140, Flying Farenheit, Zack1234567890, patchx94)
TheIdioticIdiot - 12 (Gavsword, majofa, Nepycros, Terroking, vinvick3714, shiningsword, Zblader, Korugar, Shantu, TheIdioticidiot,1world24)
DrunkDestroyer - 2 (DrunkDestroyer)
TheForbiddenOracle - 1 (RavingRabbid)
Round 3
Killsdazombies gambles himself and ddevans96 - Reveals KDZ
QuantumT trades $$$man
Terroking supreme beings $$$man
Patchx94 mutates Quantum - Con artist
Mafia target TII, Zblader backup
Legit mutates Root Ranger - priest
TheForbiddenOracle gambles patchx94 and Zblader - reveals Zblader
RootRanger priests himself
Sodomir mutates Zblader - Gambler
ICB - 10 (TheForbiddenOracle, Dragoon1140, Flying Farenheit, Jaymanfu, 1world24, Wardead, Sodomir, Killsdazombies, patchx94, DrunkDestroyer)
Terroking - 1 (icecoldbro)
TII - 2 (Shantu, majofa)
Dragoon1140 - 2 (RavingRabbid, nilsieboy)
1world - 14 (gavsword, ddevans96, Zblader, shiningsword, Nepycros, vinvick3714, TheIdioticIdiot, Terroking, Legit, Seraph, Korugar, Zack1234567890, 1world24)
RootRanger - 2 (RootRanger)
Deaths: 1world24 and zblader
Legit mutates TII - ghost
ICB priest ddevans96
Mafia targets ddevans96
Sodomir mutates TII - ghost
Patchx94 mutates ddevans96 - fallen elf
Deaths: ddevans96 and Korugar
Round 5
TheForbiddenOracle gambles Dragoon1140 - reveals TFO
Terroking Supreme being’s $$$man
RootRanger priests $$$man
$$$man trades QuantumT
Dragoon1140 - 1 (majofa)
nilsieboy - 11 (Terroking, ICB, RavingRabbid, shiningsword, Flying Farenheit, vinvick3714, TheForbiddenOracle, Legit, Dragoon1140, wardead, jaymanfu)
TII - 3 (RootRanger, patchx94, nilsieboy)
Shantu - 1 (TII)
Patchx - 1 (gavsword)
Deaths - nilsieboy
Round 6
ICB priests TheForbiddenOracle
Seraph switches Nepycros’s vote to Jaymanfu
FF changes Legit’s vote to Jaymanfu
Shantu supreme being’s RootRanger
QuantumT trades TFOracle
Patchx94 mutates Quantum - Vigilante/Virus
Mafia targets Nepycros
Terroking - 7 (Legit, Wardead, DrunkDestroyer, TheForbiddenOracle, ICB, Shantu, RootRanger)
Patchx94 - 1 (Gavsword)
Jaymanfu - 9 (Terroking, Seraph, Nepycros, patchx94, Flying Farenheit, jaymanfu, TII, Sodomir)
Shiningsword - 2 (Zack1234567890, majofa)
Zack1234567890 - 1 (RavingRabbid)
Deaths: Jaymanfu and Nepycros
Round 7
TFO trades Dragoon1140
Legit mutates TII - Priest
TII Priests himself
Mafia targets $$$man, backup drunkdestroyer
Dragoon1140 trades Patchx94
Zack viruses RootRanger
KDZ gambles himself and TII - Reveals KDZ
Wardead seers Terroking
Round 8
Shantu supreme being’s Jaymanfu
Patchx94 trades DrunkDestroyer
Mafia targets TII then KDZ
Vinvick doctors TII
Legit mutates TII - Priest
ShiningSword supreme being’s Gavsword
TFO trades Majofa
Gavsword supreme being’s Shantu
Round 9
Majofa trades QuantumT
KDZ gambles TII and FF - reveals TII
Mafia targets TFO, then KDZ
Legit mutates TII - vigilante/virus
Wardead seers Shantu
DrunkDestroyer trades KDZ
RavingRabbid burrows
FF changes Majofa’s vote to Majofa
Seraph changes Gavsword’s vote to Majofa
Deaths: majofa* and TFO
*The FG’s tied the votes at five to five via con artists and a liar. RNG then chose majofa to die.
Round 10
KDZ trades FF
QuantumT trades gavsword
Wardead trades with Seraph
DD gambles Legit and Patch - reveals Legit
FF trades KDZ
RavingRabbid unburies
Gavsword trades FF
Mafia targets RavingRabbid
Deaths: FF and RavingRabbid
Round 11
Wardead seers ShiningSword
Mafia targets DD, backup wardead
KDZ trades Seraph
Gavsword changes Seraph’s vote to Patchx
ShiningSword supreme being’s Seraph
Deaths: Seraph and DrunkDestroyer
Round 12
Shantu supreme being’s QuantumT
KDZ trades ICB
ICB trades Patch
Mafia targets KDZ, then ICB, then vinvick
Patchx trades gavsword
KDZ trades ICB
Round 13
ShiningSword supreme being’s QuantumT
Wardead seers QuantumT
Mafia targets Legit, then Wardead
Vinvick doctors Legit
Round 14
Patchx switches Legit’s vote to himself
Mafia targets vinvick, then wardead
Legit mutates QuantumT - shrieker
QuantumT - 5 (Shantu, Wardead, vinvick3714, Legit, shiningsword)
Legit - 2 (patchx94, QuantumT)
Tied at 4 votes each, RNG chose Legit.
Deaths: Legit and vinvick
Round 15
Shantu supreme being’s Patchx
Shiningswords supreme being's QuantumT
Mafia targets Shantu, then ShiningSword