Since the round is almost over, I should probably post this.
The FGs can't possibly lose. And I'm one of them.
At the start of the game, we found that we had 3 fallen elves. Our strategy was to find out who the village idiot and ghost were, so we could mutate and kill them.
We needed someone to team up with the civs. So I tricked blaziken into using his ability. Then we targeted $$$man, a fellow FG, in order to make everyone think he was a civ. But not enough people told him their ability. So we mutated our fellow FGs. Amazingly, two of our FGs bece vultures. So we decided to eliminate The viruses, con artists, and tradesmen.
Patchx mutated himself, which left 9 players to kill or mutate.
Legit, the third FG, came up with the plan to pretend to be the seer.
We contacted Nepycros since he had told $$$man that he was a vulture.
He was tricked into thinking Legit was the seer.
Legit told Nepycros that he had confirmed TFO, the fourth FG.
TFO said he gambled TII, the fifth FG.
TFO and TII found out almost every ability.
We managed to mutate two viruses, two con artists, and one tradesman.
We killed Korugar and nilsieboy, the last con artist and virus. Just two tradesman remained.
While searching for the last two tradesmen, we mutated ourselves until we had two more vultures, for a total of four.
Finally, when Nepycros died, the two tradesmen told TFO their abilities.
Tonight one is getting lynched and the other is getting killed by us.
While it's dangerous to tell everyone our plan, there isn't enough time to stop us.
Demagog is going to end the round immediately after this post. Why? Because Demagog is the sixth FG.
When the original sixth FG went inactive, Demagog took his place to prevent the game from being unfair.
He never posted his vote because he was the one who ended the round. He voted, but never told anyone. That's how Jaymanfu died instead of Terroking; Denagog secretly voted for Jay.
After this round ends, we will have enough voting power to win every single lynch vote because of our 4 vultures.
There will be no one with An ability that can stop us.
Game over, civs. You did the best you could do.