Lots of pages to catch up on. So basically, people are voting for Shantu because we are all following one vote, which was decided because someone needed an excuse for a vote. (But he could be being "protected" by BatCountry by targeting Legit) People are voting for Legit because BatCountry has some kind of SCIENCE which as far as I am aware, the rest of the players don't know about (with the possible exceptions of the ones voting for him).
But clearly, if BatCountry is the Oracle, we don't want her voted out yet. Despite the fact that, to me, she is the most suspicious. I hate to get rid of someone without any proof yet, but if Legit is an FG then we just one turned, and if Legit isn't, then we have two clear targets (BatCountry and next Shantu)
ddevans96 - 3 (killsdazombies, Nepycros, vinvick3714)
Shantu - 6 (Demagog, EpicFirestorm, ddevans96,Zblader, Sodomir, RootRanger)
1world24 - 2 (gavsword, 1world24)
ShiningSword - 1 (Korugar)
Legit - 7 (BatCountry, nilsieboy, QuantumT, Shantu, RavingRabbid,1world24, DrunkDestroyer)
Killsdazombies - 1 (Terroking)
gavsword - 1 (Shiningsword)
I knew mafia would make me do terrible things, but I legitimately never thought it would be like this :p