Nobody can say those civys werent lucky(first round FG kill without any assistance). Yet every single one of those who had a chance to make a difference screw it in the end.
Nepy practicly told blader he was seer(he didnt actually, but thats where deductive skills get in, he told him he was going to be seered, so we aimed and shot). Round 2 random/semirandom. We hit the spot and gain info in R 3(dema had to confess).
R 5 was a mess, but we got some profit after all. In R 6 we gathered up and armed BC(smart move). R 7 was funny, just funny. R 8 was a stall round(thanks terro for your brave actions during the round).
Then we sticked to our bases, we were going to leave blader, but we did the extra mile to save him and rushed up our victory.
I lied shamelessly everytime i had a chance, and made groups(lots of them), thats my style from now on(regardless of my primary or secondary).