vinvick3714 - 5 (Terroking, Demagog, 1world24, BatCountry, Korugar)
BatCountry - 4 (ddevans96, Zblader, vinvick3714, RootRanger)
ddevans96 - 2 (Wardead, Gavsword)
I think BatCountry is safe; I'm a liar.
Edit: I traded with someone, so now I am a Fallen Elf. If any one needs a secondary change, just PM me with your secondary, and I'll mutate you.
Terroking tells me that you traded him and got the vigilante ability. And you say that you traded and got the Fallen Elf ability. Unlikely, considering there is just one Elf ability floating around.
You are currently near the top of my suspect list. I would also like a mutation.
If you mutate me, it will be Terro who is at the top of my suspect list. If not, I will have to let you remain there.