[05:04:38 PM] Dragoon1140: Hey everyone, who has two thumbs and made an incredibly stupid mistake in mafia? d^.^b
[05:05:26 PM] RavingRabbid: Don' tell me I wasn't supposed to die.
[05:05:52 PM] Dragoon1140: So here is the problem: Ravrav wasn't supposed to die.
I mixed up the Vigilante ability with the Con Artist ability when I counted the votes. I knew I would make a huge mistake somewhere, since this is my first time hosting a Mafia, and this is it. I do incredibly apologize for all of the trouble.
Here is how we are going to solve this:
Ravrav stays dead as a Ghost. His vote still counts anyway, so this is not as bad is it could be. We carry on the game as if Ravrav was lynched by the town instead of the other person. Just remember that there are still Vigilantes out who are still able to be counted twice (and I'll quadruple check the votes next time).
I am sorry.