Now, all that aside, I don't honestly think you're an FG. I definitely disagree with at least some of your strategy, but that's not exactly any reason to vote you off. So....
BatCountry - 6 (nilsieboy, Flying Farenheit, vinvick3714, ddevans96,RootRanger, $$$man)
Korugar - 1 (majofa)
ShiningSword - 1 (RavingRabbid)
Ravingrabbid - 2 (1world24, DrunkDestroyer)
vinvick3714 - 8 (Terroking, Shiningsword, Shantu, Wardead, Zblader, QuantumT, Gavsword, Demagog)
Sodomir - 1 (Korugar)
I voted for him before, as I said, "because of my gut". It might be nothing, but....we'll see.
Of course I'm suspected because, not many people know me. I was observant at the thread, to here (better, to read) what people say and how they act. My self don't like too make wrong decisions just on RNG, of course my first move was of punch, but not worth at all. I'm as every other people here: act, seeming harmless and hope, not getting target by the FG's or mob. But I'm a part of this crowd, and we must find our opponents to win the game.
Your gut isn't right Korugar.
I found something suspicious:
I think I found two FGs, don't ask why.
Then i will ask: how? or, why me?
Again, I vote for ddevans because Nepycros voted on him in round 1. He might have known something, being the seer and all that.
If the seer seered devans, he didnt seered raving(who said he was seered), and therefore he is an Fg(or a lier), as well as devans(because thats why the seer would vote him, isnt it). Or, the seer really seered raving and they are both innocent, and another thing, why devans has been voted in every round?(just curious, for your motive, tell me a good one, and we took him down)
that leave us with tons of vote alternatives and no real conclucions(but without the seer, conclusions are going to be scarse, so coincidences and probabilities are to be studied from now on)
My suspect list is:
ShiningSword (Strange PMs.)
Nilsieboy (Named by ShiningSword in those strange PMs.)
Flying Fahreneit (Strange Behavior)
i'd like to know why i was named in strange PMs, had no contact with Shining this mafia so i'm pretty surpised he named me in PM.
Please, trust me. I think that ShiningSword is one of the FGs left.
I was the seered. Nepycros just voted for Ddevans because he didn't know who to vote, I think.
This doesn't imply that ddevans is a FG.
But I think ShiningSword (and if he is, so is Nils) is a FG.
One of them is lying. No one give these 3 posts really attention, because of BC seems like a perfect target (now some people have doubts). But why should lying one of them?
ShiningSword show a good point. If Nepycors won't seered Ravingrabbit, why he should say he was target? (answer: to seem more like a civy)
Why should ShiningSword write some strange (?) msg. to Ravingrabbit and name Nilsie? But gave no reasons for voting on Nilsie, or did he have just some fears?
(answer: to doubt the he can mobilize the mob, and just tested Ravingrabbit, if he will follow him)
So I'm voting for Ravingrabbit, because he claims very fast that he was seered and repeat again, but no one can proof it. What is if ddevans is an FG, too? Nycro, saw his true character voted form him, he tells Ravingrabbit and Ravingrabbit tell us that he was seered. In the end two less suspected FGs....
(I can't claim that I found the truth, but we will see!)
BatCountry - 6 (nilsieboy, Flying Farenheit, vinvick3714, ddevans96,RootRanger, $$$man)
Korugar - 1 (majofa)
ShiningSword - 1 (RavingRabbid)
Ravingrabbid - 3 (1world24, DrunkDestroyer, Sodomir)
vinvick3714 - 8 (Terroking, Shiningsword, Shantu, Wardead, Zblader, QuantumT, Gavsword, Demagog)
Sodomir - 1 (Korugar)