I think I found two FGs, don't ask why.
Then i will ask: how? or, why me?
he lied this time, and he knows maybe more then 50% of the players.
if he's a fg or he tells things to a fg, we're screwed because they know who to kill.
i'm srry bat, you know to much and i don't trust you.
All it proofs for the round is that the gambler no longer risks using his ability on bat, either because he suspects, or because he is close to bat(and therefore hopes to get role info), or because his ability was stolen from him(traded/mutated), or maybe he has another guy to use, or maybe it just backfired(and some random guy has bat's role info).
I support korugar though, more explanation is needed.
Again, I vote for ddevans because Nepycros voted on him in round 1. He might have known something, being the seer and all that.
If the seer seered devans, he didnt seered raving(who said he was seered), and therefore he is an Fg(or a lier), as well as devans(because thats why the seer would vote him, isnt it). Or, the seer really seered raving and they are both innocent, and another thing, why devans has been voted in every round?(just curious, for your motive, tell me a good one, and we took him down)
that leave us with tons of vote alternatives and no real conclucions(but without the seer, conclusions are going to be scarse, so coincidences and probabilities are to be studied from now on)