ddevans96-2 (Flying Fahrenheit, Terroking)
RootRanger-3 (Sodomir, nilsieboy, 1world24)
Shantu-1 (Demagog)
EpicFirestorm-1 (RavingRabbid)
RavingRabbid-1 (EpicFirestorm)
Killsdazombies-11 (BatCountry, ShiningSword, ddevans96, Korugar, vinvick3714, QuantumT, ZBlader, RootRanger, gavsword, Wardead, Shantu, DrunkDestroyer)
Everyones going KDZ, and this will affect a lot of the game. BatCountry is still useful while getting rid of FGs, however once she stops, we have to face the possibility that we could be being played.
RootRanger is clearly not an amazing player, and I want it made public that I don't trust him. Call me paranoid, but I'd rather this be in plain sight of everyone rather than someone who could be a FG and get rid of me next turn. He has protected both BatCountry and Legit, people who could easily be FGs, and happens to often make moves to bandwagon, to save his own skin (rght at the start of the round). I see un unstable player who, if we have no more leads, is not someone we could trust to make the right decision.
However, for now, I'm riding on the BatCountry train till it stops, or till the ticket inspector kicks me out.