All right, well, let's start with this post.
Shantu is innocent. I have determined, with SCIENCE, that Legit is one of the False Gods! If you were going to bandwagon, or rely on RNG for first vote, pick Legit instead. (I changed my vote from Shantu to Legit) He is illegit and a False God! Trust me.
ddevans96 - 4 (killsdazombies, Nepycros, vinvick3714, Shantu)
Shantu - 5 (Demagog, EpicFirestorm, ddevans96, ShiningSword,Zblader)
Nepycros - 1 (RavingRabbid)
1world24 - 2 (gavsword, Terroking)
ShiningSword - 1 (Korugar)
Legit - 1 (BatCountry)
While there was speculation about what BatCountry could have been doing, I'd say the stuff before day end was mostly pointless, so...
Day one is now over.
As Legit steps on the gallows, taking the last few steps of his life, he rests his eyes on the town that voted to hang him. The noose is then tied around his neck and he looks at the most beautiful red sunset. He remembers the bright times of his life, and how it all went wrong in just a few days. He makes one final prayer for forgiveness for the sins he has made, and the executor does the deed. As Legit chokes to his eventual death, the town looks upon the seemingly black substance leaking out of his carcase. They realize that they were lucky enough to hang a False God.
The remaining four False Gods realize that they've already lost a valuable member of their company. They decide for that night to be a night of revenge. They pick their victim from a pool. They then approached the house of Nepycros. Nepycros, being the kind soul that he is, accepts their welcome and eats the food they offer. After an hour and more hassle than expected, the False Gods realize something is wrong. Nepycros didn't bleed normal blood, he bled the blood of the valuable. They realize they hung the wise man of the community, the Seer.
Those who died:
Legit - False God / Con Artist
Nepycros - Seer / Con Artist
Day two begins.
OK, that shows BatCountry was right. Let's look at three possibilities.
(1) She could have been the Seer. Wait, Seer died! OK, moving on...
(2) She could have been targeted by the Gambler along with Legit. I don't think she's ever actually claimed this happened, but it makes the most sense to me.
(3) She could be an FG using an advanced and brilliant strategy to get everyone's roles to eliminate all resistance.
I still have some doubts on BatCountry.
She found a FG first round, without being the seer. Either she was gambler targeted or she is a FG.
A master stroke like that would be extremely good(like one of the best, or useless if we dont fall for it). Nobody expects FG killing eachother at first round, so we think she is innocent, and with seer down there isnt a way to know for sure(we should think of who could get info of nepy easily, maybe someone who is his friend, i dont know who, but he/she could be an FG). But i think she was just gamblered along with legit and has nothing special(except for being an almost sure innocent, i wouldnt expect her to last).
Im a humble civy/shrieker.
Considering the rule where FGs may not "oust each other" I don't think that would be possible, though I could be mistaken.
That rule was made to prevent from ruining the games(and an advanced strategy like this wouldnt exactly ruin it).
This is an extremely useless complication, as bat said.
by the way, do i need to pm you my role when i just said it?
Using the points in here, I'd say that doing number 3 would not be against the spirit of the "law", but would be against the letter. Thus, Dragoon is technically the only one who can confirm or deny if the last one is actually possible. Dragoon?
EDIT: Oh, and this is just a gut feeling. No promises, but that's technically how I killed Hyroen last game...
gavsword - 1 (DrunkDestroyer)
ddevans96 - 3 (Shantu, RootRanger, Flying Fahrenheit)
RootRanger - 5 (QuantumT, gavsword, Sodomir, nilsieboy,Zblader)
Shantu - 1 (EpicFirestorm)
1world24 - 2 (1world24, Shiningsword)
EpicFirestorm - 1 (RavingRabbid)
Sodomir - 1 (Korugar)