1world24 - 4 (Kakerlake, Shantu, RavingRabbid, nilsieboy)
Dragoon1140 - 2 (Demagog, Wardead,)
Appawesome - 4 ( AppAwesome, thenewguy, QuantumT, Kuroaitou)
thenewguy - 1 (majofa)
ddevans96 - 1 (ShiningSword)
Demagog - 7 (Dragoon1140, Korugar, 1world24, Hyroen, Terroking, Skydaemon, ShiningSword)
Skydaemon - 1 (ddevans96)
But, if he is innocent and so is raving, dragoon and korugar are good suspects(they lay low and attack dema before he attacks them, makes sense)
And i will be watching you( you know who you are), because you are also quiet. I dont like quiet.
As I understand it, FG's aren't allowed to vote against each other.
They usually do vote eachother, to distract, it is a good tactic. As it would be to say this so nobody suspected of you, isnt that right, sky?
K I'm changing my vote to 1world because it seems to me that it's win/win. Either he's a civy and all the people who defended him probably are too, or he's an FG and we gain a whole bunch of new targets.
And if he is the doctor, then what? we lose our last power role.