Posts from killstory to killstory:$$$man - 2bigbadbanana - 3918273645 - 3Dragoon1140 - 5Demagog - 57 Deadly Sins - 3jamesdyer680 - 2Rastafla - 2Wardead - 1Svenningen - 1nilsieboy - 1ddevans96 - 4implosion - 1 Bender74d - 1Gl1tch - 0linkcat - 0unit - 0Demagog, could you tell us who didn't send you a PM?EDIT: ninjad on the last partEDIT 2: Added people who didn't post at all in that time.EDIT 3: linkcat hasn't been online since before the last killstory either, so he might just be unable to reach the internet. But since we have nothing else to go on....linkcat - 2 (Demagog, ddevans96)
linkcat - 2 (Demagog, Rastafla)