
Re: Elements Mafia 13 by Killsdazombies (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #132 on: August 28, 2010, 08:43:15 am »
Spirit, no offense, but people probably voted for you because you're often rather... abrasive.
You think? 

Three facts remain.

Firstly, the False Gods are at a disadvantage this game.  A rather large one.  The only way they are going to win is if they can kill off important roles early in the game.  My at-the-time-potential martyrdom was in one way an act of prevention.  I don't actually know how Elements Mafia works in this respect, but in most Mafia games I play, even the dead people "win" if their team wins.  So it's not all about just staying alive.  Sometimes you have to take one for the team, so to speak.  I didn't see myself as being particularly useful this round.

Secondly, I think my "abrasiveness", which I'm not denying the existence of, may indeed be a factor for at least a few votes thrown my way, but again, I'm not going to play only to stay alive (especially when my death would very possibly increase the chance of my team winning), and I'm certainly not going to alter myself or my actions for the sake of staying alive in a game. 

And thirdly, in the world of Mafia, there are usually a few...unspoken rules.  To varying degrees of importance.  Perhaps not rules so much as things that you just shouldn't do. One of them, is, of course, that you shouldn't vote to kill somebody new to the game on the first day (at least not by the random-first-day-vote that this game uses).  The other relevant one is that you're not supposed to vote for somebody based on at least fairly irrelevant factors.  You don't vote for the guy that your girlfriend was cheating on you with, you don't vote for the nerdiest kid in the group, and you don't vote for the person that you percieve to be abrasive.  At least not for those reasons specifically.  Now, I'm not saying in any way that these are the rules of this game, or that any of you have violated these rules (which is kind of a given because they aren't strictly speaking rules).  It is, however, something that most professional Mafia (game) groups generally avoid.  It makes for overall fairly predictable, poor-quality gameplay. I am, however, saying that these sorts of "unspoken rules" are there for a reason.

So I said "never play mafia with amateurs", and people apparently hate me now.  I didn't call anybody here specifically an amateur, nor did I call everybody here an amateur.  And in fact, the people that were offended by this not only didn't realize these facts, but probably don't even know what amateur means.  It means you're not a professional.  Unless these people are claiming to be professionals, which I doubt (but can't disprove), then they shouldn't be upset over me calling them amateurs.  Which, again, I didn't even do.  And by the way, I was mostly calling the people that may have voted for me because of any "abrasiveness" amateurs.

And of course, absolutely nothing against you, Demagog.

None taken.

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Re: Elements Mafia 13 by Killsdazombies (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #133 on: August 28, 2010, 09:45:30 am »
People have a tendency to make everything personal in this community and it is afflicting everyone from game newbie to veteran from forum newbie to staff. (Just remember the old karma system when you could give -karma.)

Example is last Mafia where a guy got virus and offed a player that got him killed last round. Its just petty behavior.

I myself is having a harder time dealing with certain individuals in this community, though I ignore it and/or keep it to myself or in private instead to go and whine and post stuff about it since that just cause drama and noone else gets the full picture.

I'm a grown man and have too much in real life to care about and to consider to bother explaining every little small detail in what I say and the people who I have a problem with will read whatever they like into what I say anyway.

Will change vote later, might not be on for a very long time until tonight though

unit748596- 2 (BigBadBanana, 918273645)
7_Deadly_Sins - 2 (Dragoon1140, Rastafla)

Vote purely made to even the score. If someone comes wit ha good reason during the day I will change vote. And I probably will change vote anyways after reading through each post.
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Re: Elements Mafia 13 by Killsdazombies (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #134 on: August 28, 2010, 01:14:59 pm »
Kills, Can someone replace me today? I'm going on vacation, and oh, I'm civvy ghost.

unit748596- 2 (BigBadBanana, 918273645)
7_Deadly_Sins - 3 (Dragoon1140, Rastafla, Wardead)

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Re: Elements Mafia 13 by Killsdazombies (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #135 on: August 28, 2010, 01:49:19 pm »
We need a replacement for wardead, any takers?


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Re: Elements Mafia 13 by Killsdazombies (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #136 on: August 28, 2010, 02:28:25 pm »
OK, if you want me to mutate you, at least tell me your role.

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Re: Elements Mafia 13 by Killsdazombies (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #137 on: August 28, 2010, 03:45:47 pm »
Dont modkill me! :D

unit748596- 3 (BigBadBanana, 918273645, Svenningen)
7_Deadly_Sins - 3 (Dragoon1140, Rastafla, Wardead)

There we go, ties are fun.. If only my vote counted..

Fallen Elf! Sign me up for a mutation!


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Re: Elements Mafia 13 by Killsdazombies (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #138 on: August 28, 2010, 03:49:57 pm »

unit748596- 3 (BigBadBanana, 918273645, Svenningen)
7_Deadly_Sins - 4 (Dragoon1140, Rastafla, Wardead,jamesdyer680)

sign me up for mutation too! 0.5 damage mode!

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Re: Elements Mafia 13 by Killsdazombies (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #139 on: August 28, 2010, 05:10:34 pm »
unit748596- 3 (BigBadBanana, 918273645, Svenningen)
7_Deadly_Sins - 5 (Dragoon1140, Rastafla, Wardead,jamesdyer680,nilsieboy)

i hate ties :P
:gravity nilsieboy :gravity
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Re: Elements Mafia 13 by Killsdazombies (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #140 on: August 28, 2010, 05:13:33 pm »
Me too :D

unit748596- 3 (BigBadBanana, 918273645, Svenningen)
7_Deadly_Sins - 6 (Dragoon1140, Rastafla, Wardead, jamesdyer680, nilsieboy, ddevans96)
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Re: Elements Mafia 13 by Killsdazombies (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #141 on: August 28, 2010, 05:15:53 pm »
unit748596- 2 (BigBadBanana,Svenningen)
7_Deadly_Sins - 8 (Dragoon1140, Rastafla, Wardead, jamesdyer680, nilsieboy, ddevans96, 918273645)

As tribute to the epic youtube channel.  :P

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Re: Elements Mafia 13 by Killsdazombies (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #142 on: August 28, 2010, 05:20:45 pm »
unit748596- 2 (BigBadBanana,Svenningen)
7_Deadly_Sins - 8 (Dragoon1140, Rastafla, Wardead, jamesdyer680, nilsieboy, ddevans96, 918273645)

As tribute to the epic youtube channel.  :P
You fail at counting.
discord / twitter: palafrost - 2x master of water - false god enthusiast
twitch: palafrost - speedrunner, ex-celeste, currently hades
avatar: makoto [persona 5] by asukabaka

Re: Elements Mafia 13 by Killsdazombies (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #143 on: August 28, 2010, 05:22:45 pm »
Well when I go, kill off Rastafla when you see im a Civy.

