DAY 5:
The knights were worried, they had no more further leads and decided to just pick a name out of a hat and stab the poor sucker till he bled to death.
While they were randomly picking a name everybody was worried for their own life but they knew if they didn’t do something soon they would all die. The name that came out of the hat was that of the brave demagog who had carried a lot of discussion power in his pedigree, nonetheless he was still stabbed repeatedly after each stab he would scream “im not the dragon u idiots” nonetheless these words fell to deaf ears.
Later at sunset, a demon like pack of hounds set out to kill at there masters orders, the Dragons, had unleashed there all stars the knights tried to fight them off witht there spears and swords but they could not seem to puncture their demon like bodies all the knights gave up hope and decided to stop trying to fight them anymore.
Soon the demon-dogs had sniffed out there target, and minutes after this target was torn apart, the knights couldn’t recognise who had died because of the giant teeth marks on him, after hours of trying to help clean up the face it seemed 7_deadly_sins had been the intended target.
Demagog was innocent and the vigilante
7_deadly_sins was innocent and the conartist
also on a side note 918273645 better vote next round or will be mod killed and anyone who complains again about the story goes with him