Right, anyway. I guess I'll continue the vote. And Gl1tch, I do believe you...to an extent. I mean...I'll buy that you're the idiot. Sure. I'm not sure that I buy that you're innocent. But trust me, you're not that high on my list of suspects. Anyway, if that's proof that you're the idiot (imagine that), then I guess this is "proof" that I'm the liar.
Gl1tch - 1: (Gl1tch)
Unholy Spirit - 1: (Unholy Spirit)
By the way, if you guys want further proof, you're free to put one or two votes on me. But I wouldn't do that at the beginning of the day, preferably. Because the False Gods might stack up a few more at the last minute. And innocents, we're still in decent shape. A disadvantage, sure, but I think we should do fine. If I die, and you guys find out that I was telling the truth, try and remember the things that I've said. The...accusations, I suppose, are quite founded.