That next morning, one entity was acting awfully strangely. Purity_Riot, with a suspicious demeanor and conformist attitude, was trying to copy the actions of others. It was as if he didn't know how to be part of a society. He followed others everywhere and seemed unable to be alone. He copied their actions, too. Sometimes these things were minor, like eating the same kind of food or saying the same things as others. But his mimicking went too far when after someone in front of him tripped and fell, nearly breaking their leg, Purity_Riot also tripped and fell, actually breaking his leg.
After such an incident, most felt sympathy for him. But one person realized who he really was. He was one of those invaders, and he had no idea what their society was supposed to be like so he just copied whoever was in front of him. The mounting suspicions in Bender74d slowly ate away at the limits of his sanity, and he became surer and surer that Purity_Riot was an invader. Knowing what he had to do, he took advantage of Purity_Riot's unawareness of their culture. He took a syringe, and filled it to the brim with potassium chloride. Posing as a doctor, he injected it into Purity_Riot. Purity_Riot was initially docile and allowed Bender74d to do this. But after he started to become slower, sleepier, fainter... he lunged at Bender74d with the last of his strength, forming a razor sharp point with his hand and stabbing Bender74d in the heart. Both of their hearts failing, the bloody hospital became their graves.
Bender74d was a civilian and a virus.
Purity_Riot was a fake god and a tradesman.