JOEY, PLEASE CONFIRM THESE CLARIFICATIONS ON YOUR RULES and also please correct me if I understood something wrong.

Spoiler for Rules:
1. No posting during the 'Night Phase' whatsoever. Everyone gets '~1' warning if they mess this up.
2. Do not post, chat, OR PM ANY revealing information if you have been killed/removed from mafia (except for minor 'BLARGH'/murloc TM death noises). This also means that if you withdraw from mafia, you cannot reveal any information after withdrawing from the game.
3. All Secondary roles/targeting/actions are to be messaged during the NIGHT phase, unless stated otherwise.
4. No player may do the 'No-Vote'/AFK for two consecutive days without a viable reason. Holidays, funerals, etc count as viable reasons. Mafia on other sites, just forgetting, etc, do not. If you wish to withdraw, post in this thread; but do NOT reveal any secret information. Players without viable reasons will be modkilled. Breaking this rule repeatedly may result in a ban from future mafias.
5. Post in the topic if you want to sign up. No need for any 'role' choosing or whatnot, everything is randomized and assigned.
6. Do not quote PMs. Ever. Furthermore no one is permitted to declare themselves to be a scum, either publicly or through PMs.
7. You are allowed to talk in chat about mafia, but please remember general chat rules.
8. You are not allowed to edit AND/OR remove your post. Instead, EBWOP will take effect. This means, to edit your post, post again with the correct fixes. Any posts breaking this rule will result in the post being deleted on sight.
9. Any flaming/trolling/cursing will not be tolerated. Appropriate actions will be taken if any of this occurs.*
10. The mod/host has the final say in any dispute. Do not argue with the mod/host. Do not impersonate the mod/host.
11. Breaking rules 2, 6, 9 or 10 may result in ban from future mafias or forum games in general.**
12. When PM-ing the Host for anything associated with Mafia, please include "Mafia" in the subject line. Otherwise, your PM may be ignored or overlooked.
Time lords cannot be night killed.
Timelords = Doctor
Civvy = doctor's friends
Villains = mafia
Time LordsEccleston :
(Every Night) Name a player. If that player is nightkilled that round, it survives and you die instead.
Tennant :
(One-time Use) Bring a player back to life. Can be done only once.
Smith :
(One-time Use) If mafia tries to nightkill you tonight, instead the mafia member who sent in your nightkill PM dies.
Riversong :
(This role can only be received by the person who got Amelia Pond as his initial role.)
(passive, One-time Use) If a doctor is about to die, it will not, and Riversong will lose her Timelord Status.
Doctor's helpersRose Tyler :
(passive) If Eccleston is lynched, you kill someone and bring someone else back to life ( can be Eccleston ), then you die. ( have 12 hours to make a choice ) ( has precedence over riversong's ability). If no choices are sent, will be randomized.
Martha Jones :
(One-time Use) You can tell a target player's alignment. It will only reveal whether the target is a Timelord, a Villain, or a Civvy (if The Master is targeted, he is counted as time lord and not villain).
Donna Noble :
(passive) If you are nightkilled, you instead survive and become TimeLord Tennant, but without his ability. ( Martha Jones will see you as timelord after the change )
Amelia Pond :
(passive) When Amelia dies, she turns into a new Timelord: Riversong.
Clara Oswin Oswald :
(passive) Clara will not know she is Clara. If a vanilla civvie claims to be Clara in the thread, I will tell this person in PM whether or not it is true. Only the first vanilla civvy will be counted per day, and each person can be answered only once.
(One-time Use) Clara targets 1 player : that player now becomes immortal for the rest of the game, regardless of his role. That player will also not count anymore in the persons who are still alive ( Let me explain, if clara targets the mafia master and only the mafia master is left alive, town wins. If clara targets another doctor, then mafia will need 50% to win without including the doctor in question )
Villain AllianceThe villains belong in the same Mafia group, so they can nightkill only 1 person per night normally. They are informed of each other when the game begins.
The Master :
(One-time Use) The day after this skill was used will have no voting. Instead, every single player alive has to send in 1 nightkill during the Night phase. Everyone who was nightkilled this way, dies.
(passive) The Master is a Timelord aswell, but belongs to the Villain Alliance.
Dalek :
(passive, Every Round) If someone targets a Dalek, the targeting player dies. ( lynch vote does not count as targeting, but nightkill does )
Cyberman :
(One-time Use) Turn one Timelord or Civvy into a mafia.
Weeping Angel :
(Every 3 Rounds) Every three turns, Mafia can kill an additional player (regardless of role. this is the only way to temporarily kill a Timelord). This player will come back to life after 3 turns, but his initial death cannot be prevented. This player's alignment can no longer be changed by any means.
Depending on how many people we get, those roles might not all be handed out. Considering both sides are overpowered, we will need a good bunch of vanilla. I will tell which roles are left out.
This works with the usual mafia rules : the villain kill people at night, at day everybody votes to kill someone. Villains kill by having everybody dead. Doctors and their friends win by killing every villain.
The game will start with a Night Phase.