Is it correct now?
Riversong :
still awaits clarification
Martha Jones :
(Every Night) You can tell a target player's alignment. It will only reveal whether the target is a Timelord, a Villain, or a Civvy (if The Master is targeted, he is counted as time lord and not villain).
Amelia Pond :
still awaits clarification
Clara Oswin Oswald :
(passive) Clara will not know she is Clara. If a vanilla civvie claims to be Clara in the thread, I will tell this person in PM whether or not it is true. Only the first vanilla civvy will be counted per day, and each person can be answered only once.
(One-time Use) Clara names and targets a Timelord (regardless of who got his role) : the player who has his role becomes immortal for the rest of the game. However, that player won't count anymore in the persons who are still alive ( aka he will be counted as dead ) ( Let me explain, if clara targets the mafia master and only the mafia master is left alive, town wins. If clara targets another doctor, then mafia will need 50% to win without including the doctor in question )
The Master :
(One-time Use) Target a person to kill. The day after this skill was used, voting will have no effect. Instead, the targeted person will die when voting ends.
(passive) The Master is a Timelord aswell, but belongs to the Mafia.
Weeping Angel :
(Every 3 Rounds) Every three rounds, you can kill an additional player during the night (regardless of role. this is the only way to temporarily kill a Timelord). This player's initial death cannot be prevented, but he will come back to life after 3 turns. During these 3 turns, he cannot be revived.