And once again, it falls to Daddy Espithelâ„¢ to save the day.
There are 10 players. I've listed them in the order I'd like to seem them die.
10. killsdazombies
8. iancudorinmarian
7. worldwideweb3
9. CleanOnion
6. Naii_the_Baf
5. Ryli
4. mathman101
3. dawn to dusk
2. Espithel
1. Lunaris
0. Kuroaitou
See, in the top bracket, we have the people who are OPOP as town but should be killed if they're mafia ASAPASAP. (Implying that you don't kill Lunaris if she's mafia?)
In the bottom bracket, we have people who are UPUP but can be killed if they're mafia in like 4 months. (Implying that you can't kill KDZ if he's mafia?)
Middle bracket is middle - it's a mix of both.
If you'd be so kind as to obey this order, I'd be a happy man. Kudos!
But nooo, I have to figure out who the bloody git the muhfeur is by muhself reeeeeee
So, do we hit the top, the middle, or the bottom?
I'm more of a bottomhitter myself. The top can be discovered. The bottom just sits there. Festering.
But if you keep hacking away at the bottom, then the top mafia just sit there and laugh at you.
It's up for you lot to decide, I suppose. I'll be in bed, thinking about 20 ft boneless fluffy lizards while you all figure out someone to stab.
Don't have enough information to persuade ya'll, but at least attempt something with a bit o' conviction.
You have 8 hours and no votes. Let's not have another game where you plonks do nothing, eh?
Ryli (1) - Espithel
Don't make me control this game. Bad things happen.