Well, the Ball Lightnings can't count as creatures at the end of your turn, because they're dead.
But to use the extra 1 Quanta, change one Ball Lightning into a Lightning Bolt, which does the same damage but costs 1


So, for the record:
Pet: Colossal Dragon
Ball Lightning
Ball Lightning
Lightning Bolt
- Play Photon
- Play Cremation (9 , 1 of each other)
- Play Nova (10 , 2 of each other, total 32)
- Play Supernova (12 , 2 , 4 of each other, total 54.)
- Play 2x Ball Lightning, 1x Lightning Bolt (total 53.)
The creatures deal 23 damage (bringing opponent to 77), and your Mark goes off. You end with 54 quanta, with no permanents, 1 creature, and no cards in hand.