
Offline kurathedog

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Re: Elements Haxxor Puzzles by Essence https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=12764.msg222552#msg222552
« Reply #540 on: December 12, 2010, 02:11:37 am »
Annnnddd... your voodoo solution fails.
Poisoning a voodoo doll ALSO poisons the opponent. A doll with one poision means a player with one poison.
So your opponent would be taking 6 damage for the first 5 turns,  then 3 the rest.

Now what about PA sundial? how you gonna stop that? I don't think it is possible to get past that, unless you use poison or silence.

Offline Appawesome

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Re: Elements Haxxor Puzzles by Essence https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=12764.msg222561#msg222561
« Reply #541 on: December 12, 2010, 02:29:21 am »
Annnnddd... your voodoo solution fails.
Poisoning a voodoo doll ALSO poisons the opponent. A doll with one poision means a player with one poison.
So your opponent would be taking 6 damage for the first 5 turns,  then 3 the rest.

Now what about PA sundial? how you gonna stop that? I don't think it is possible to get past that, unless you use poison or silence.
Only 3 damage is unstoppable. The poison from the opponent can be Purified.


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Re: Elements Haxxor Puzzles by Essence https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=12764.msg222565#msg222565
« Reply #542 on: December 12, 2010, 02:35:56 am »
Sundials can't be protected. Appawesome doesn't allow it.

These new cards are going to have a lot of effects on puzzles once they are released I think. More versatility, but also more room for loopholes.


New Puzzle

Win the coin toss, use a mono deck and matching mark that’s not entropy, start with no pet. Before playing any cards on your fourth turn, have only 1 quanta from your mark, 1 card you just drew, no pillars, played four creatures of 1 quanta cost, and the ability to destroy your opponent’s pillars for the rest of the game without drawing any more pillars yourself no matter what your opponent does. Your opponent draws only pillars for his first three turns.

No pillars also means no pendulums, towers, or mark cards.

This might be a bit confusing; let me know if I should explain it more clearly.

Offline einherjar145

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Re: Elements Haxxor Puzzles by Essence https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=12764.msg222825#msg222825
« Reply #543 on: December 12, 2010, 12:54:52 pm »
(uh i dont know how to explain it so sorry if i am wrong/mixed u up)

uh mark = fire
2X nova= 1 card so denial will mix the quanta up and most probably give u fire quanta in the end
4X ash eater = 4 creatures of 1 quanta source
3X deflag/explosion to destroy the pillars
* ???=sundial cause of nova to prevent denial

I think thats the answer


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Re: Elements Haxxor Puzzles by Essence https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=12764.msg223036#msg223036
« Reply #544 on: December 12, 2010, 06:32:41 pm »
New Puzzle

Win the coin toss, use a mono deck and matching mark that’s not entropy, start with no pet. Before playing any cards on your fourth turn, have only 1 quanta from your mark, 1 card you just drew, no pillars, played four creatures of 1 quanta cost, and the ability to destroy your opponent’s pillars for the rest of the game without drawing any more pillars yourself no matter what your opponent does. Your opponent draws only pillars for his first three turns.

No pillars also means no pendulums, towers, or mark cards.

This might be a bit confusing; let me know if I should explain it more clearly.
You violated everything in yellow. You have cards of multiple elements, have quanta left over, can only destroy three pillars, and will fail if the opponent plays black hole.

Offline Appawesome

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Re: Elements Haxxor Puzzles by Essence https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=12764.msg223047#msg223047
« Reply #545 on: December 12, 2010, 06:46:56 pm »

New Puzzle
 the ability to destroy your opponent’s pillars for the rest of the game without drawing any more pillars yourself no matter what your opponent does.

No pillars also means no pendulums, towers, or mark cards.

This might be a bit confusing; let me know if I should explain it more clearly.
What if they PA their pillars?

Offline kurathedog

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Re: Elements Haxxor Puzzles by Essence https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=12764.msg223076#msg223076
« Reply #546 on: December 12, 2010, 07:19:15 pm »
and No matter what your opponent does...
He has a quinted Gravity nymph. Good luck getting any quanta whatsoever. Hence You must use SoR on a creature. You can't give it destroy with Butterfly, so It must be a flying pulvy or trident. Which means it can't be mono. Fail#2
What if he plays both a pillar and a pendulum at the same time? How would you kill them all at once? he could play as many as 8 different ones (more if he has hourglasses).

And I found a slight problem with the quinted voodoo dolls, though I don't know if it counts. He plays eclipse and protects, giving your doll attack, then a fire shield. Now he is taking 6 unstoppable damage (5 if he plays another shield) and your doll is going to die faster than 5 turns. (unless he plays another shield)


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Re: Elements Haxxor Puzzles by Essence https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=12764.msg223213#msg223213
« Reply #547 on: December 12, 2010, 09:54:30 pm »
What if they PA their pillars?
Okay, assuming they don't PA their pillars ::)

What if he plays both a pillar and a pendulum at the same time? How would you kill them all at once? he could play as many as 8 different ones (more if he has hourglasses).
You don't have to kill them in the same turn. Just eventually.

Offline kurathedog

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Re: Elements Haxxor Puzzles by Essence https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=12764.msg223278#msg223278
« Reply #548 on: December 13, 2010, 12:08:25 am »
And what if he continually denies you of quanta? I guess you could hax all your draws...
Turn 1: Qtowerx2
4x gnome riders. (the unupped one)
Turn 2:
PA the pulverizer.
Turn 3: EQ your towers, Stone skin
Meanwhile, your quanta has conveniently left you with exactly 4 earth quanta. He black holes, leaving you with one quanta, matching your mark.

For the rest of the game you draw Qtowers which give you 3 gravity. You are blowing up a pillar each turn, and he can never stop you. The end.

Alternate solution, without details:
He flies a trident and uses SoR on it, and nightmares a chrysora when you have 4 cards in hand, giving you 4. You play them, TU and quint the trident. He earthquakes and blackholes, leaving you with 1 aether.


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Re: Elements Haxxor Puzzles by Essence https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=12764.msg223297#msg223297
« Reply #549 on: December 13, 2010, 12:36:46 am »
New Puzzle

Win the coin toss, use a mono deck and matching mark that’s not entropy, start with no pet. Before playing any cards on your fourth turn, have only 1 quanta from your mark, 1 card you just drew, no pillars, played four creatures of 1 quanta cost, and the ability to destroy your opponent’s pillars for the rest of the game without drawing any more pillars yourself no matter what your opponent does. Your opponent draws only pillars for his first three turns.

Re: Elements Haxxor Puzzles by Essence https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=12764.msg223555#msg223555
« Reply #550 on: December 13, 2010, 06:59:37 am »
This is impossible. The only reusable permanent destruction is Trident, BE, and Pulverizer. Unless you get a mutant with a destroy skill, this is not possible. (you can't mutate anyways, no entropy)

Offline einherjar145

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Re: Elements Haxxor Puzzles by Essence https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=12764.msg223556#msg223556
« Reply #551 on: December 13, 2010, 07:05:33 am »
unless what?
your opponent use dissipation shield upped and destroy it with the creature????

