Korugar got it.
I forgot about purify.
Korugar didn't give a solution. Did you mean to say Krahhl got it? Or did you mean Korugar was right about the AI and you forgot about purify, so purify isn't the solution?
If RavingRabbid's puzzle is solved, there's still mine:
Krahhl's PuzzleLose coin toss. Start with no pet or creature cards in hand and use a mono deck. End with no cards in hand, no creatures on the board for both sides, and no quanta except those produced by pillars/mark. Deal 30 damage to your opponent; have yourself at full health. One of your pillars must be non-quantum. Your opponent must be AI. No entropy or TU.
kurathedog's puzzleUsing cards from 6 different elements, end your turn with your opponent at 81hp and no creatures or quanta left over (besides end of turn production). You win toss.
Unless kurathedog doesn't have a problem with my solution on the previous page.