If you get rid of your original post when you edit, no one will know what you're talking about. But it seems you made a fail, so I guess we don't need to see it.
This got lost a few pages back, so I'll post it again:
I think there are still two puzzles out there. If I missed one, just mention it. Also feel free to post another one, as no one seems to be coming up with solutions to these two.
Kurathedog's Puzzle
End your first turn with 63 cards in deck (win coin toss)
Krahhl's Puzzle
Lose coin toss. Start with no pet or creature cards in hand and use a mono deck. End with no cards in hand, no creatures on the board for both sides, and no quanta except those produced by pillars/mark. Deal 30 damage to your opponent; have yourself at full health. One of your pillars must be non-quantum. Your opponent must be AI. No entropy.
^Read carefully, someone always seems to just completely miss something.