_i_o_yr_(8 )
Theme: Star Wars (Creature)
Difficulty: 10/10
Letters Guessed: A, E, I, K, N, O, S, Y
Phrases Guessed:
Members That Guessed: Dm (5), ddevans96 (2), Rutarete (1)
Guesses Left:

Hints Given:
Major hint - This creature does not originate from the SW galaxy
Free minor hint - 7th letter
Next Hint: Small hint

, major hint

. Free major hint after 10 guesses
The solution:
TizowyrmIt is a biot (biological tool), used by the extragalactic invaders, the Yuuzhan Vong. It's purpose is to translate speech one hears, and to enable the user to speak the other language as well (so better than a Babel fish)
Future hangers: choose easier puzzles