<@juan_de_diablo> He said once per day. And I'm sure the U.S. did not complete a day cycle yet.
Earth 10
Air 10
Fire 9
Water 10
Light 10
Darkness 10
Entropy 11
Gravity 8
Time 11
Aether 9
Life 10
Death 12
I'm confused, why does earth have 19, and grav still have 10 while death has 11? I'm confused...
I was the first to post on this topic, but my first post contained no vote. Initially the numbers were not correct. Earth had a
STARTING number of 19 and there were other typos with the numbers. I was pointing these things out.
This was my first, and only vote:
Earth 10
Air 10
Fire 10
Water 10
Light 10
Darkness 10
Entropy 11
Gravity 8
Time 10
Aether 9
Life 10
Death 12
I'll amend this to include the specifics: I PREVIOUSLY voted ONCE today: Aether -1 Death +1... unless I mistakenly altered two numbers, or posted during my sleep...