Can healers cast any of the vigor spells?
OOC: I'm not familiar with those spells, but no, they cannot.
On a sidenote, neither can Clerics. What class casts those spells?
It's from spell compendium (pg. 229 description). Clerics and Druids can cast it.
Lesser Vigor (Lvl 1): Heal 1 hit point per round for 10 + 1 round/level (max 15).
Vigor (Lvl 3): Heal 2 hit points per round for 10 + 1 round/level (max 25).
Greater Vigor (Lvl 5): Heal 4 hit points per round for 10 + 1 round/level (max 35).
Mass Lesser Vigor (Lvl 3): As lesser vigor, but on one creature/two levels for 10 + 1 round/level (max 25).
Vigorous Circle (Lvl 6): As Mass Lesser Vigor, but 3 hit points per round for 10 + 1 round/level (max 40).