Lady Krissaga joins Whisperfoot in combat, both attacking enemy 2, Whisperfoot full attacking while she makes an aimed shot for the enemies neck.
Enemy 3 seems to be invigorated by seeing the death of his comrads (wisperfoot was attacking 3, if you actually ment 2 i'll redo the attack). It deftly dodges wisperfoots attempts to bite and claw at him, but doing so distracts him from Lady Krasaga's attack which lands squarely across its chest. It retaliates against wisperfoot but misses.
Ariadon quickly reloads his light crossbow and fires at enemy number 1.
Again Ariadon's bolt goes wide of its target, nearly nicking Maze's sholder in the process.
Maze, slightly shaken by the bolt misses his attack against Enemy 1. In retaliation the creature swings at Maze again, but Maze parries the blow.
Therin attempts to stab enemy 1.
Therin also misses his attempt to inflict damage to enemy 1.