Lady Krissaga closes to melee range, attacking the same target as Whisperfoot, who takes a five foot step to flanking position, then makes a full attack.
Lady Krasaga moves into position and swings at enemy 1, but her staff contacts the enemy's shield (miss).
Wisperfoot slides around behind enemy 1 to better claw and bite at him. Her manuver is successful as she digs her jaw and a claw deep into her intended target, killing him.
"Ast Kularan Tsalarianoth!" Ariadon chants. Pulling sand out of his bag, he sweeps it in the general direction of the hostiles.
OOC: In other words, Ariadon casts sleep.
This time all the enemies aren't as lucky as the 3rd Enemy falls asleep.
The 2nd Enemy swings his weapon at Lady Krasaga but misses.
3rd Enemy has visions of suger plums dancing in his head.
Maze takes a 5 foot step towards Enemy 4 and swings his sword at it, missing his intended target completly.
The 4th Enemy Slashes at Maze hitting him squarely on the shoulder.