While walking down the path four individuals jump out in front of you. They are humanoid in size but something is a bit off about them. They have dark reddish-brown skin, red noses, and yellow eyes that match the color of thier teeth. They are wearing black tinted leather garments. All appear to have a well polished longsword on them, however two seem to be holding javelins. The four humanoids stand aggresively waiting to see what you do.
Uhh, okay. Apparently I don't need that feat? Makes it a pretty pointless feat.I guess I'll draw my weapons, use a move action to approach one of the humanoids, and attack defensively. I'll use my second action to attack with my main weapon and my extra attack per round to hit with my off hand weapon.http://www.d20srd.org/srd/combat/specialAttacks.htm#twoWeaponFighting
OOC: -4, not -5, and that's before his BAB and his strength modifier.If you want to make an attack with each sword as a standard action, you need to take the feat 'dual strike' from Complete Adventurer.
OOC: Where are you getting -4 for fighting defensively? I've always heard it as -2?