"Man," Geoff says, "I had the weirdest dream. Started off with this old rich lady being real un-lady like, and then she told me we should 'take it outside', but when I followed her, it was this weird white glowing place with a bunch of statues of me an' whatnot. And the world was like a utopia, an' I was their god. But then a cloud passed over and the world got all dark or something, I don't remember too well. The old rich lady got robbed, and then the thief got stabbed by someone. An' then we flipped back to the light world, and they must've cracked down on crime because originality was gone, and everyone were clones of each other. They were all named 'Wallace' for some reason. And I looked at the old rich lady and she was a dude who kept making baby noises. All she said was "gaga" to this weird rhythm that was kind of catchy. And then he/she said the word bacon in a weird voice and I woke up."
"Course, I never remember my dreams quite right."