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Re: Elements D&D (3.5) The First Age of Alamnar by Bender74d https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=11245.msg143043#msg143043
« Reply #252 on: August 21, 2010, 02:37:00 am »
Noiro walks up to the camp having awoken his bear and sits down among the party. 

“You all have proven your merit in combat, I have no doubt you are the ones that my master has spoken of.  There is a great battle coming.  The Malevolent and Benevolent have been building power in secret, awaiting the right moment to unleash their wrath and destroy all those that oppose them in order to establish dominance in this world.  You see humans entered existence and immediately became pawns in the fight between The Malevolent and Benevolent Gods.  Each side wanted to control the Humans to do their bidding in the physical world.  Unfortunately they were created with the ability to choose, and this frustrated the gods.  They couldn’t force the Humans to do anything as the gods were only forces and had no physical form.  As a result Lilyth fairly created a living avatar for each god, a representation of each of their powers that could roam the world and act for each god.  These mighty beasts, or dragons as they are called, became the targets of worship for the Humans as they had never seen anything so powerful.  To the humans the Dragons were godlike.  As the world grew, so did the need for the dragons reach to expand.  To combat this need the first born dragons all took residence in remote locations and began to spawn their offspring (The Second Born).  The Second Born traveled the world seeking new followers for their Parent and thus, their God.  As these offspring traveled, they spread the knowledge of their god, and proved their gods might by teaching their loyal worshipers how to imbue great magics into items."

"For over 200 years the world worshiped in peace however in the near future this will all change.  The time is nearing for the opposing forces to unleash their fury and you five have been foretold to be the weight that tips the balance in either’s favor.  The side you choose to help is up to you as a group.  There is no need to decide now but just be warned, when the time comes for the decision to be made, it will have to be made quickly.  For now you have preparing to do, you all need practice in using your skills.  Tomorrow I will send you on your path; from there you will only have each other, and whatever allies you can muster on your way.”

And i forgot to mention it earlier....120xp each

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Re: Elements D&D (3.5) The First Age of Alamnar by Bender74d https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=11245.msg143070#msg143070
« Reply #253 on: August 21, 2010, 03:19:06 am »
"...I see.  An you're really going to let us sit here and decide the entire fate of the world?  I mean, who hired you?  A neutral party?  And besides, 'malevolent'?  'Benevolent'?  History is told by the victor!  If we can really tip this war like you claim we can, what the hell does siding with the malevolent mean?  Failing on purpose?  But even then we'd be giving one side the win, making them the benevolent ones.

And you know what?  **** you dude.  Here we are, brought to this RANDOM ass campsite because of some map you stuck in our packs, and you know the first thing you did?  You sicked a goddamn bear on us.  So I say this:

**** you.  **** your war, and **** your stupid map.  And **** your dog thing!"  Geoff said the last bit to the lady.  "Did it just kill a bear?!  Seriously?!  The hell is that devilbeast?!"

"It doesn't matter," said Geoff, not giving the lady time to yell at him again, and addressing the strange man before him.  "I don't care about your stupid war.  All my life wars went on around me.  And I don't mean in the sands, I mean in the real world.  Did it ever reach the sands?  No.  Because the sands were worthless to them.  No one wanted that place, nothing good lived there.  Nothing of value.  And you know what's going to be in the sands after your stupid war?!  Everything that was there BEFORE the war.  Neither side cares.  Neither side has ever cared.

"Oh!  And a tip.  Next time you want a sword-for-hire's help, try HIRING HIM!"

And with that, Geoff left the campsite behind him.


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Re: Elements D&D (3.5) The First Age of Alamnar by Bender74d https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=11245.msg143074#msg143074
« Reply #254 on: August 21, 2010, 03:30:23 am »
"He seems to not understand the depth of the situation.  The decision isn't as black and white as good vs evil, or light vs dark.  You see no matter how hard they try one cannot destroy the other thanks to the cycle...without light, darkness cannot exist, and without life, there'd be no death.  The same goes the other way around.  You five will be the factor that tips the scales towards one's favor, there is no right or wrong, just opposite sides of the same scale...at what point does light stop and darkness begin?  You all will have to choose for yourselves where on the scale the balance should lie.  Who knows, you could even keep the scale even giving niether side an advantage....all i know is what i've been told to tell you, i assume you'll find the rest out for yourselfs on the path."


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Re: Elements D&D (3.5) The First Age of Alamnar by Bender74d https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=11245.msg143083#msg143083
« Reply #255 on: August 21, 2010, 03:50:37 am »
Lady Krissaga shakes her head, pulling the meat back off the fire. She takes two of the skewers and heads off after Geoff. "Whisperfoot, come. You four can finish the rest of that, and the bear is probably good to eat as well," She calls back before lifting the hem of her robe and running after Geoff.

"Wait up Geoff!"


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Re: Elements D&D (3.5) The First Age of Alamnar by Bender74d https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=11245.msg143086#msg143086
« Reply #256 on: August 21, 2010, 03:53:50 am »
OOC: bear is not dead


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Re: Elements D&D (3.5) The First Age of Alamnar by Bender74d https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=11245.msg143087#msg143087
« Reply #257 on: August 21, 2010, 03:54:39 am »
"Can you give the rest of us some time to think this over?" Ariadon asks.


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Re: Elements D&D (3.5) The First Age of Alamnar by Bender74d https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=11245.msg143089#msg143089
« Reply #258 on: August 21, 2010, 03:59:20 am »
OOC: bear is not dead
Never said he was ;)


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Re: Elements D&D (3.5) The First Age of Alamnar by Bender74d https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=11245.msg143100#msg143100
« Reply #259 on: August 21, 2010, 04:10:54 am »
"Can you give the rest of us some time to think this over?" Ariadon asks.
"Of course, you'll have the night to decide if you'll want to prepare through the course my master has planned.  Like i said, you will not need to make the choice immediatly, but a time will come, prepared or not."

OOC: bear is not dead
Never said he was ;)
Lady Krissaga shakes her head, pulling the meat back off the fire. She takes two of the skewers and heads off after Geoff. "Whisperfoot, come. You four can finish the rest of that, and the bear is probably good to eat as well," She calls back before lifting the hem of her robe and running after Geoff.

"Wait up Geoff!"
Miss read that i guess

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Re: Elements D&D (3.5) The First Age of Alamnar by Bender74d https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=11245.msg143106#msg143106
« Reply #260 on: August 21, 2010, 04:19:10 am »
"Yea?  Whadda you want?"


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Re: Elements D&D (3.5) The First Age of Alamnar by Bender74d https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=11245.msg143282#msg143282
« Reply #261 on: August 21, 2010, 12:23:00 pm »
OOC: You can still kill and eat a living bear :D


"Hold up just a second," Lady Krissaga finally catches up to Geoff, a few yards away from the encampment, "Listen, I get that you're angry, I am too, but who are we to argue with the Greater Spirits of Nature? Even if this man is not truly their agent, we have nothing to lose by taking on this quest. You wanted to make money, to make a better life for yourself? What pays more than the life of a hero? You could be a king to these people, they would praise you for saving them. Isn't that worth the risk? Isn't knowing that you've done something for the greater good of the world worth the risk?" Lady Krissaga pleads with him, truly looking concerned as tears begin to well up in here eyes. All the while Whisperfoot stands by, looking uncomfortable, as though she wants to comfort her mistress, but knowing enough to keep away. "Look, if you're so threatened by Whisperfoot, then I can train her to be used to you, she's just uncomfortable around non-magic users, the smell of the arcane and the divine comforts her. If it's my Vow of Poverty that offends you, then we'll compromise. I will give my share of the treasure and gold we find on our quests to you, so long as you promise to use it to help the town where you're from."

Offline Glitch

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Re: Elements D&D (3.5) The First Age of Alamnar by Bender74d https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=11245.msg143308#msg143308
« Reply #262 on: August 21, 2010, 01:10:15 pm »
"Heh, you think it's your dog that's bugging me?  Cute.  The fact of the matter is, I don't give a rats ass who wins this war.  The only god who ever blessed me was the god of death, and she's one creepy ass god, I do NOT want her in charge.

But you say there's money to be won...

I tell you what, I accept your deal.  I'll fight for you, whichever side that means assisting, and in exchange, I'll get filthy rich.  The guys back home will be shocked when a river runs through their town.  Now you quit yer crying, looks like we've got a world to save."


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Re: Elements D&D (3.5) The First Age of Alamnar by Bender74d https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=11245.msg143313#msg143313
« Reply #263 on: August 21, 2010, 01:14:58 pm »
Lady Krissaga wipes her eyes, smiling through her tears as she raises herself up on the tips of her toes and places a kiss on Geoff's cheek, before turning back toward the camp. Whisperfoot gives a friendly sound, not unlike a chirp mixed with a purr, then trails after her mistress. Lady Krissaga looks to Geoff, at her side and says, "Unfortunately, I think you're Goddess of Death will be unhappy to hear that you'll be fighting for balance now, for the Great Spirits of Nature. There is an order to this world, a careful balance, and it must be kept if we are to live in peace with the Spirits around us."

