OK, just to double check (because I hate Google docs)....
This is the base information I have for each character, if anything changes (due to leveling or any other reason) please let me know so I can change my records. It is your responsibility to maintain a record for yourself. You may still use the Google docs if you choose, but I will no longer be referencing them.
Class = Swordsage
Race = Human (Earth)
Str = 10
Dex = 19
Con = 14
Int = 15
Wis = 16
Cha = 11
HP = 10
AC = 18
Initiative = 5
Fort = 3
Reflex = 7
Will = 6
Base Attack = 0
Melee Attack = 0
Ranged Attack = 4
Weapons = Two Short swords (1d6+5 19/20x2)
Armor = Chain Shirt
Heal = 7
Hide = 6
Intimidate = 4
Listen = 7
Move Silent = 6
Profession = 7
Ride = 8
Sense Motive = 7
Tumble = 6
Spot = 5
Open Lock = 6
Disable Dev = 4
Handle Animal = 2
2x Short swords
Chain Shirt
5x Rations
Water Skin
Flint and Steel
Burning Blade (ready)
Distracting Ember
Wolf Fang Strike (ready)
Sapphire Nightmare Blade (ready)
Mighty Throw
Shadow Blade Tech (ready)
Island of Blades (stance)
Two Weapon Fighting (player’s handbook)
Shadow Blade (TBoNS)
Weapon Focus Shadow (TBoNS)
Gold = 17
If anyone has a question on how I derived the above character, please ask.
Class = Fighter
Race = Human (Earth)
Str = 15
Dex = 17
Con = 15
Int = 13
Wis = 10
Cha = 12
HP = 12
AC = 17
Initiative = 3
Fort = 5
Reflex = 4
Will = 1
Base Attack = 1
Melee Attack = 3
Ranged Attack = 3
Weapons = Two Kukri (1d4+3 18/20x2)
Armor = Studded Leather
Handle Animal = 5
Heal = 2
Intimidate = 5
Ride = 7
2x Kukri
Studded Leather Armor
10x Rations
Water Skin
Flint and Steel
Hempen Rope (50’)
2x Sunrods
Two Weapon Fighting (player’s handbook)
Deadly Defense (CS)
Weapon Focus (player’s handbook)
Gold = 23
I added +1 to your savings throws because of your Earthen Heritage.
Class = Wildhunt Druid
Race = Half-Kobold
Str = 11
Dex = 16
Con = 15
Int = 10
Wis = 20
Cha = 8
HP = 20
AC = 23
Initiative = 3
Fort = 4
Reflex = 3
Will = 5
Base Attack = 0
Melee Attack = 0
Ranged Attack = 3
Weapons = Staff (1d6 20x2)
Armor = None
Survival = 9
Handle Animal = 3
Concentration = 5
Spell Craft = 4
DC Mod = 5
SPD = level 0(x3), level 1(x3)
Read Magic
Know Direction
Create Water
Cure Light Wounds x2
Enrage Animal
Sacred Vow
Vow of Poverty
Exalted Companion
Animal Companion
Wild Empathy
Nature Sense
Fast Movement
Favored Enemy: Animal
Dark Vision 60ft
AC Bonus
Light Sensitive
Mixed Blood - kobold
Class = Healer
Race = Human (Water)
Str = 13
Dex = 10
Con = 14
Int = 8
Wis = 18
Cha = 16
HP = 8
AC = 12
Initiative = 0
Fort = 4
Reflex = 0
Will = 6
Base Attack = 0
Melee Attack = 1
Ranged Attack = 0
Weapons = Long Spear (1d6+1 x3)
Armor = Leather
Concentration = 6
Heal = 8
Spell Craft = 3
Knowledge (Religion) = 3
Leather Armor
Long Spear
5x Rations
Water Skin
Flint and Steel
DC Mod = 4
SPD = level 0(x4), level 1(x3)
Cure Minor Wounds x4
Cure Light Wounds x3
Healing Hands
Gold = 31
The gold that is posted is what you have left after buying the gear provided on your char sheet.
Class = Wizard
Race = Human (Earth)
Str = 10
Dex = 13
Con = 14
Int = 19
Wis = 11
Cha = 12
HP = 6
AC = 13
Initiative = 1
Fort = 3
Reflex = 2
Will = 3
Base Attack = 0
Melee Attack = 0
Ranged Attack = 1
Weapons = Light Crossbow (1d8 19/20x2)
Armor = Leather
Spell craft = 8
Concentration = 6
Knowledge (Arcane) = 8
Profession (Gambling) = 4
Decipher Script = 8
*See Note*
Leather Armor
Light Crossbow
Spell Component Pouch
Flint and Steel
5x Rations
Spell book
Water skin
10x bolts
DC Mod = 4
SPD = level 0(x3), level 1(x2)
All level 0 Spells
Silent Image
Charm Person
Enlarge Person
Protection From X
Mage Armor
Skill Focus (Spell craft)
Scribe Scroll
Summon Familiar
Spell Focus (Conjuration)
Gold = ?
Changed you base attack to 0 for a first level wizard
Hide, Move Silent, and Spot are not class skills and thus require using one skill point to gain .5 ranks (i.e. if you spent 4 skill points you’d have 2 ranks in that skill). Because of this, the math is off for your skills. Please choose one of the three (hide, move silent, and spot) to remove your skill points from, and then it will even out.
How much gold do you have left?
Please let me know if there’s any questions regarding the above, and reply with your fixes or answers to my notes when you get a chance.