El Farol bar
Spoiler for Hidden:
You and a bunch of other forumgoers have decided to go and bug zanz so much about adding stuff, nerfing stuff, and buffing stuff, that zanz has grown upset and sent an angry false god chasing after you. The false god is a much faster runner than all of you, but thankfully, it suffers from some pretty bad AI problems. While running, your path often branches out into a left and right path. Why only two? Because everything else is lava. Acid lava. Acid lava filled with needles. The two paths eventually will converge again, like some kind of pretentious ∞. The false god will always go after the largest group of people. If both groups are equal, the false god will get confused, but if he gets confused twice in a row, he'll just randomly pick one side to go.
So how do you play this game?
Each "day", you will PM me with your option of going either "left" or "right". If you choose not to reply at all, I'll just assume you went left, since you don't want to be a conservative now do you? After I have collected the responses, I will show who went left and right, and the group with more people gets eliminated. This will go on until there is only 1 person left (or none, and then you all lose).
You are allowed (and encouraged) to talk with each other and post in this thread to announce what you are going to do (even if it's false), but remember, your actions will be revealed to everyone at the end of the "day", so pick your lies carefully!
Sign ups last for 3 days:
1. Oni
2. laxadarap
3. zbladder
4. majofa
5. devas pls
6. juandediablo
7. ddevs pls
8. communistguy1234
9. bobknows
10. ohteeel
11. justabird
12. kuro
13. malebolgia
14. quarter
15. legit
16. Helston
17. Cel
18. Naesla
19. Mort
20. Regen
21. Frimax
22. Esran
23. Absol
24. Cal
25. Jenk
26. Wizy