Tbh if no one can commit we should decline rather than embarass ourselves
There's nothing embarrassing about participating in this championship; if anything, it'll have several -MORE- pros than cons if we do join:
- Familiarity with the Mafia Championship event, alongside potential (international?) widespread recognition.
- Potentially new mafia game mechanics/ideas from following the event and matchups
- Potentially new members that might not have heard about our mafia setups/games (and other forum games~)
- An award if our representative kicks butt!

So yeah. 
On another note, I have sent a PM to Thingyman that we will participate in the event, and after he responds back, I will set up a poll and have people nominate players to see who will be our representative for the Championship.

To respond to your PM: Awesome, glad to have you onboard. You have until April 18 to decide your representative (if something happens and you need extra time, that can be arranged, this is just a date I'd like all communities to aim towards to make planning easier for me).
As for a link to the planning/invited communities, this would be the thread to follow: mafiauniverse . com/forums/threads/1375-Season-3-General-Chat-%28Information-Banter-Confirmations%29 (not allowed to link, so doing it this way, hope that's okay, Kuro asked me for a link)
Post #66 contains a list of the 88 communities that had accepted or seemed like they were accepting a day into the process. More have ofc accepted since.