Hello guys
Wasn't sure where to post this; the old thread was archived.
Once again, thanks for participating in this year's Mafia Championship (well done, Linkcat). It was great to have you be represented, and hopefully you'll be there for next year's season as well

I thought you might be interested to know that the finale for this season finally started yesterday. 136 communities, 9 games and almost 6 months later - it's finally time for the final 17 players to battle it out to find out which player will earn the title of the Internet's best mafia/werewolf player.
Want to spectate the finale?If any people from your community are interested in following along and spectating, you can find the game thread here: http://www.mafiauniverse.com/forums/threads/3255-Season-3-Final-Game-The-Koopa-Troop-DAY-ONE
The OP post contains a spoiler box called "Threadmarks". Inside this, a table of links to important events will be automatically generated. I.e. it will link to the various day and night starts, for example, making it easier for spectators to get an overview of the game. Day 1 ends tonight at 8 PM EST.
If you'd also like to chat with other spectators about the game, we have a huge chat on Skype with almost 200 people. If you're a social butterfly, this is also just a great opportunity to talk with other mafia/werewolf enthusiasts about whatever - it's a very friendly bunch. Join this chat by adding me on Skype: thingyman (the one with a picture).
Additionally, you can also join the on-site spectator thread by PM'ing "Thingyman" on the site. Note that activation emails will probably go to your spam folder. If you are having trouble with anything, try PM'ing me here.
Hydra event interest?At least a dozen different communities this year expressed an interest in a so-called "hydra event". If you don't know what "hydra" means, it's when two people share the same account (two heads). So the idea is that each participating community can send a hydra of two players, the advantage of which is that it's maybe easier to be active when two players are both playing on the same account, and it's also just a lot of fun.
If you are interested in participating in such an event, do let me know and I'll start making a list of interested communities. I don't expect all 135 communities to participate in this at all, so it'll most likely be a smaller thing and obviously it will just be for fun.