This is a melee game playable by up to 8 people, but signups have to end before the game starts -- no latecomers.
Crossing Swords
The rules are simple. Every player begins with 1 copy of every card in his hand, and 20 life counters.
Every turn, each player chooses a card to play, and which player he will target with it, and he puts both the card and the target (represented by another card) face down in front of him. Once all of the players have selected the cards they'll play and the targets of those cards, all of the moves and targets are revealed, and all calculations of damage are made. At the end of each turn, everyone takes all of their cards and puts them back in their hand (i.e. all players constantly have access to all options.)
For every point of damage dealt to a player, one of their life counters is moved to the VP (victory point) pool of the player that dealt the damage. When only one player is left, that player moves all of his life counters over to his VP pool. All players then count up their VP, and the player with the most VP wins.
Strike: (Attack) - Deal 3 damage to target player.
Lunge: (Attack) - Deal 5 damage to target player. If that player damages you this turn, he deals 3 additional damage to you -- plus 6 MORE damage if you were Focused on him.
Assail: (Attack) - Deal 1 damage to every player. Target player's Defense cards cannot reduce this damage.
Dodge: (Defense) - Target player's (Attack) cards deal no damage to you this turn, and 3 less damage to you next turn. All other (Attack) cards deal 3 less damage to you this turn.
Block: (Defense) - All (Attack) cards deal 2 less damage to you this turn. If target player targets you with an (Attack) card this turn, deal 2 damage to him.
Riposte: (Defense) - If target player targets you with an (Attack) card this turn, it's damage is reduced to zero, and you deal 3 damage to him.
Taunt: (Action) - Steal 3 counters from target player's Victory Pool. All other player's (Attack) cards deal 1 extra damage to you this turn.
Focus: (Action) - If you use an (Attack) card on target player next turn, you deal twice your normal damage, plus one. (Damage-reducing effects apply after Focus is applied.)
Mend: (Action) - Add 3 counters to target player's Life Pool -- or 7 counters if you Focused last turn (regardless of the target of your Focus). Gain 1 Victory Point.
Halt: (Action) - If target player plays an (Action) card, you deal 3 damage to him or her and negate the effect of the (Action) he played. If two players Halt each other at the same time, nothing happens.
Play is divided into rounds. Each round lasts 24 hours, and during that time, each player has to PM me (the referee) with which action they're taking and which player they're targeting.
I'll announce at the end of each round who attacked or otherwise interacted with whom, what the final results are, and how many HP and VP everyone has left.