@$$$man: Careful about godmodding...
Yeah, he won't be able to mutate anyone he wants. If he doesn't edit, that post of his will be invalidated.
"I am Zeni, the Master of Entropy," the strange fake Angel said. "I was brought here through some strange portal. As for where I am going, I would appreciate being able to stick with you, as it seems you know much more of this world than I. If you allow me to join, you will see I am far from useless. Just as an example, I would like to show you something."
Strange portal? Jonathan mused, but his thoughts were interrupted when Zeni suddenly morphed himself into a large purple-scaled dragon. The creature proceeded to transform itself into various different beasts, before reverting back to its original form, a lean, purple-eyed, black-haired, peach-skinned young man. "You see, I would make quite a valuable ally if you chose to allow me."
Well, I don't sense any excessive amounts of evil from this creature... Jonathan thought.
He did say he was transported here by a strange portal; perhaps it was caused by the Multiversal fracture. It might be a good idea to enlist his help...But before Jonathan could finish his thought, he began to hear a strange, buzzing sound around him. Jonathan frowned. Though it sounded like the annoying buzz of insects, it was in fact not sound, but
psychic waves, that were reverberating through the air. Jonathan concentrated harder, and seemed to hear words intermingled in the chaotic buzz.
We are pleased.
The strange one has brought us to two others.
We are placing colonies of lice on the others now.
Perhaps one of these is Luna. Perhaps one of these is Jupiter. Perhaps one of these is the Sun God. Perhaps one of these is the stranger.
We are very pleased.Jonathan's eyes widened in astonishment, too shocked to speak.
How...?! He thought.
How did that... thing... know about me, and Luna, and Jupiter?! For a crazed instant, Jonathan thought that something had followed him from Galactea. But it couldn't be; there was no psychic presence that could hide from a Deity like him.
"Do you hear that, stranger?" The gray-robed Angel asked. "There is a buzzing speech in the air."
At this point, there was no longer any use of trying to hide his identity. "
What are you, and how do you know of me and my Pantheon?!" Jonathan lashed out with his powers and his mind, exerting an overwhelming pressure over everything around him. The air buzzed and crackled with sparks of white and gold energy, while the Sun God's psyche washed over everything sentient mind within a certain radius around himself. "
Show yourself, or face the wrath of Sol Invictus, the God of Unconquered Sun!"
Gl1tch, you should group up now and reveal the Collective's tangible physical form. I hope Jonathan's psychic AT-field didn't just kill any smaller individual insects...